Change Midi output mode on H9 via midi controller?

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    • #113906

         I’m trying to change the output mode on the H9 from <>thru<> to <>thru+midi clock<> when changing to different songs.

        (Some songs need my infinity looper to sync to the H9, others do not.)

        There is no cc mapping for this operation.

        Is there a possible sysex operation i could use to make this happen?

        I am using a Liquid Foot mini + as my controller, which can pretty much do whatever you want.The liquid foot supports sysex operations.

        As of now the only way to do it is to use the control app. Thats just not going to be practical for touring/playing shows in general.

        Any Ideas are greatly appreciated!



      • #145280
        Eventide Staff

          There is a sysex you can use, but I can't give you the information until next year …


        • #145330
          Eventide Staff

            You want to send it the following message:

            SYSEX_OPEN EVENTIDE H4000 id message_code  <lots-o-bytes> SYSEX_CLOSE

            where (0x means hex):

            EVENTIDE is 0x1C

            H4000 is 0x70

            SYSEX_OPEN is 0xF0

            SYSEX_CLOSE is 0xF7

            id is 0

            message_code is SYSEXC_USEROBJECT_SHORT = 0x3c

            <lots-o-bytes> is "25d <num>" this is a text string

            where <num> is 0 – XMT, 1 – THRU, etc.


            So, for example, to set output mode to THRU, you would send (all hex bytes)

            F0 1C 70 0 3C 32 35 64 20 31 F7

            It will reply with a similar message, but message_code will be SYSEXC_VALUE_DUMP (0x2E)

            Let me know if it works for you




            • #145340
                nickrose wrote:

                You want to send it the following message:

                SYSEX_OPEN EVENTIDE H4000 id message_code  <lots-o-bytes> SYSEX_CLOSE

                where (0x means hex):

                EVENTIDE is 0x1C

                H4000 is 0x70

                SYSEX_OPEN is 0xF0

                SYSEX_CLOSE is 0xF7

                id is 0

                message_code is SYSEXC_USEROBJECT_SHORT = 0x3c

                <lots-o-bytes> is “25d <num>” this is a text string

                where <num> is 0 – XMT, 1 – THRU, etc.


                So, for example, to set output mode to THRU, you would send (all hex bytes)

                F0 1C 70 0 3C 32 35 64 20 31 F7

                It will reply with a similar message, but message_code will be SYSEXC_VALUE_DUMP (0x2E)

                That’s great. What would be the sysex format to enable/disable midi clock in?

                Do you have a sysex guide for the H9 with all of these commands and arguments described?

              • #145342
                Eventide Staff
                  JCR wrote:

                  That's great. What would be the sysex format to enable/disable midi clock in?

                  Same as above, but replace the 25d with 10a.  <num> should be 1 or 0.

                  JCR wrote:

                  Do you have a sysex guide for the H9 with all of these commands and arguments described?

                  Not at present, both because it would be a lot of work, and also because many of these codes are rather technical and would require a lot of support. They are system-level stuff, with no error checking, so could give wierd and unusual results if abused.



              • #145338

                  So I ran the sysex message through my controller and it worked! To change it to thru: this message.
                  F0 1C 70 0 3C 32 35 64 20 31 F7
                  But… I have no idea how to decipher the code to turn it to thru plus clock. Do you have that sysex string by chance? Or do you know how I can find it? I tried to run through a midi monitor with no real luck.
                  Thanks so much!

                  • #145345
                    Eventide Staff
                      awjawjer wrote:
                      So I ran the sysex message through my controller and it worked! To change it to thru: this message. F0 1C 70 0 3C 32 35 64 20 31 F7 But… I have no idea how to decipher the code to turn it to thru plus clock. Do you have that sysex string by chance? Or do you know how I can find it? I tried to run through a midi monitor with no real luck. Thanks so much! Adam

                      In my description, the <num> parameter is the value for the parameter – this is the index of what you see when you adjust it in system mode. In the string above, it is the 31 at the end (this is ascii for '1'). Other values are:

                      30 – XMT

                      31 – THRU (as above)

                      32 – THRU+C

                      33 – MERGE

                      other values should NOT be used.


                  • #145344

                      I guess all I’m really asking is this…

                      Thru = F0 1C 70 0 3C 32 35 64 20 31 F7

                      Thru +clock = ?

                      Thanks again. This will really open doors for my setup and hopefully others


                    • #145346

                        Perfect! Thanks so much. Still getting my grasp on sysex.

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