Changed the FX in modfactor?

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    • #105273

      Why did they take the polymod algorithm out of the modfactor(yes I still have the old pictures and brochures)? One of the reasons I wanted the modfactor was for chorus fx and they've taken one of them out and put in a rotary effect that I would never use(I preordered the modfactor Last July LOL!)….kind of a kick in the pants that they're gonna change why I ordered it in the first place. Is this the case?

    • #116789

       The request for a Rotary fx was overwhelming. The chorus is included both as a specific CHORUS algorithm and by setting other algos to typical chorus settings.

    • #116796

        Hey Italo,

        You know what I've been begging for on the old Eventide Helps list–a rotary effect in the Eclipse. Surely if Eventide can put one in the Mod Factor, they can put that algorithm in an Eclipse update. Please!? 😉 And, yes, I have a Mod Factor on order, too!


      • #116797

          btw, what is a polymod algorithm, and how is it different than regular chorus?


        • #116798

          Quote taken from Eventide's faq on the modfactor: "Polymod is an effect taken from the Eventide H-series rack processors which features three sets of stereo delays with FM modulation of each set. This allows very rich modulation while smearing the sense of sweep patterns."

          I'm really bummed that eventide has decided to do this, so I'm afraid I'm gonna have to cancel my order…a real let down considering I ordered it last July.  I wanted some more chorus in the box…and especially the polymod which sounded like it was going to be fantastic, That algo was a big reason I was buying it……Rotary effects most of the time I like to go analog on for my personal preference(I don't use them anyway)….but it's eventide so you know it will be great…but what a bad trade off…..tri stereo fm modulated delays dumped for a rotary?  Why not put the rotary in the q-wah's place instead?

          It would be cool if Eventide put the algo in the Eclipse at least….

        • #127848

            sorry, man. That's a drag. Is the polymod in the Eclipse? If so, maybe that's your best option. I realize you wanted it in a pedal, though.

          • #116800


            the PolyMod algorithms comes from an old product idea. We created it on Orville and is available on DSP/H series Harminizers.

            It consists of 3 parallel stereo delays (dly 1&2/ 3&4/ 5&6) with an lfo for each pair to create modulation fx; in addition there is an extra lfo for each pair, modulating the first lfo to create non_pattern modulation.

            This is easily doable on existing Eclipse algorithms, like ChorusDelays.

            The trick would be to modulate the primary lfos with the ModBlock lfo#1, to create FM modulation.

            You need to load Chorus delays in both Eclipse blocks. Turn to of them of (-100dB level). Set delay levels/feedback/depth/rate to the same value for any 2 of them, then create FM modulation by patching the ModBlock LFO#1 to lfos rates.

            This will get you there.


          • #127849


            I'm afraid Eclipse may not have algorithms upgrades for many different technical reasons at this point. You can surely get very close to a rotary FX using chorus/dly/tremolo.


          • #127850

              Thanks for both replies, I.

              It's a little bit of a bummer that Eclipse may not get anymore algorithm upgrades, but I can always use my H8000 for Leslie sounds, I guess. 😉 I will also try to create a good emulation in Eclipse. Thanks for your suggestions.


            • #127851


              consider the following and you'll see the great value your Eclipse hasover similar products, if the word "similar" may be even used here:

              -no product in this range has 100 algorithms!

              -most closed architecture products don't get algorithms addition, only presets.

              -with 100 algorithms that can also be combined in serial pairs, a lot more algorithms can be created by the user, bringing the number and possibilities to the sky.

              I can do wonders with my old Pcm80 5 FX+ 5 verbs algorithms….imagine on Eclipse with 100 that can be combined as you like!!!

              Get my point?



            • #127852

                You know me, Italo, I am a simple man. All these algorithms just make my head spin. 😉
                But, yes, I get your point.

              • #127853

                Ah ah ah! Jeff, you are right! Sometimes I get dizzy with all these algothings too.

                Simply put, my point was about the many, many possibilities Eclipse offers, compared to anything  else in its range. Call it algorithms…call it possibilities…it's the same.


              • #116814

                I would second the request to bring back the polymod in Mod Factor. I'm a little bummed that I just read it will be excluded. Could it perhaps be included in a software update. Darn!

              • #116815


                Polymod is too big and won't fit in Modfactor. Nothing can be done. We have evaluated this and tried different solutions. No go. End of it…unfortunately.


              • #127854

                Understood. I certainly don't want to belabor the point, but what exactly was loaded as Polymod at NAMM 2007 when the box was first unveiled?

                Will there still be a second LFO?

              • #127855

                 That was a pre_pre_prototype. Different things may have been loaded in it but surely it was far from being complete and less algorithms may have been inside.

                There is no info available on how the unit will be at the moment.

              • #127856

                  I guess it doesn't matter as it won't happen but the Polymod was what I was after, don't care about the rotary stuff. BTW: most the pics still show the polymod on the site ya might want to change it. Just glad someone brought this up so I can cancel the order! oh well.

                • #127995

                  I created this thread to state my big dissapointment on Eventide taking the polymod
                  out of the modfactor. I'm very disappointed, and it's a real let down(pretty sad about it).

                  Generally when I think of mod effects I don't think of filter stuff at all(as do most folks I think). Stating the unit would have polymod and encouraging folks to preorder the unit is not a move I suspect Eventide wanted to do, so I hope eventide does something to remedy this for users who wanted what I would call real (mod)ulation effects.

                  I've decided to not cancel my order rather hastily, but I would encourage Eventide to expand the chorus effects on this unit(more than one chorus like the do the phasers for example). This may already be the case, but I would encourage Eventide to expand on the unit further in their os updates.

                  As a registered Eclipse user, I'm very supportive and appreciative of eventide as they've been very good to us for eclipse updates(I really appreciate the os updates and listening to the needs of their customers)….and of course for giving us some awesome machines.

                  I'm staying on board, but I really think it would be a good move to expand the real mod effects for those users who wanted chorus or pitch modulation effects. Surely eventide feels bad about this.

                • #128003


                  thank you for your constructive contribution.

                  In a more traditional acception, years ago, modulation FX were considered pretty much chorus and flanger fx. Not even the phaser was included, an effect that has been forgotten for many a year. Recently, in tha last decade, filter modulation effects have become a HUGE part of any sound/any style, from mainstream pop to underground and experimental music. So a modern *modulator* product has to include what is today's variety of effect in that field and not be limited to a chorus. Modfilter effects are a very important part of any of these products. Be assured though that ModFactor already has 5 algorithms that can create chorusing. Infact CHORUS/ROTARY/VIBRATO/FLANGER/UNDULATOR are all chorus generators w/different sonic variables. Plenty of choices and tweaks there!

                  Unfortunately our expectation to fit a Polymod was too optimistic. This algorithm would almost max out most of other possibilities and the product should be renamed as a Polymod Eventide rather than the current ModFactor, meant to cover a much wider variety of mod fx.

                  Be assured that the Undulator alone is a must to hear (and own!). Nothing sounds like it. You'll like it.


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