Chase Bliss Mood Mk2 + H90

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    • #186983

      I normally have the H90 routed in stereo through the effects lop of a quad cortex.

      I put the Mood Mk2 in the stereo effects loop of the H90 (send/return 3/4) and fount the following:

      • in any series routing, the sound is thin and the left channel is WAY louder than the right
      • I tried inverting the loop on the H90 with no change
      • running the Mood Mk2 insert in parallel in the H90 evens out the volume, but the effect is really weak
      • I tried connecting the H90 with Mood Mk2 in series in the QC effects loop – same issue: weak sound, one channel way louder than the other

      If I put the Mood Mk2 in the QC stereo effects loop on its own, it’s fine.  Same withethe H90: on its own in the lop, it’s fine.

      I could be wrong, but my ears tellme that it’s a phase issue. The challenge withthat is that I can’t see how to correct it in any of the three devices.

      Any suggestions for what might be happening here?

    • #187035
      Eventide Staff

      Have you tried adjusting the latency for the H90’s insert? Instructions can be found here:

      Do you also have this issue when using the Mood in mono? Have you tried adjusting the stereo width of the Mood? Details on p14 of the manual:

      • #187050

        Hello – thanks for replying.  I have done both of these things, the issue persists.


    • #187073
      Eventide Staff

      Sorry, I don’t have a Mood to troubleshoot your issue, so the only support I can offer will be to try various things.

      Does the issue persist if you take the QC out of the setup? Are there any issues running the Mood in series with the H90 or using it in the effects loop of the H90 when you are not using the devices in the QC loop?

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