Checksum Error

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    • #115984



        I havent used my Eclipse for a coupe of years, but Ive recently decided to start again. I keep getting a checksum error on start up. This was something I used to also get in the past.


        I changed the battery a couple of years ago, but after a short while it came back, which, from reading other posts, suggests a hardware fault.


        eTo cut a long story short, do Eventide have a fix for the hardware fault?

      • #155230
        Eventide Staff

          If you think you have a hardware fault, the only answer is to send it in for service. Sorry.

          Probably easier to change the battery again. You may have had a bad battery, but equally, they don't last for ever.



        • #155258

          Hello, I too have an Eclipse V4.01 and I started getting the Checksum Error, I replaced the battery today while swithched on and it saved my presets, BUT I still get the ” Internal Memory Checksum error” message along with “Press any key to continue”  after pressing a key the unit functions as it should. Do I need a downloadable fix ? Or is there a Fix I can do myself ?  I too am in the UK so it wouild be a real  ( and expensive ) Pain to have to return the unit to you..!!!!  Thank you in anticipation of your reply.

        • #155260
          Eventide Staff

            Look at "Fixing and Initializing Internal Memory" on UM p.53 to clear the bad checksum message.

            If it comes back later, change the battery again. If this does not fix it, or it comes back immediately, you have a hardware fault.

            If you actually do have a hardware fault, it has to go for service – there is no magic fix. It can be a bad memory chip, or faulty parts in the shutdown circuitry.


          • #155268

              Thanks Nick. Ive bought a new battery.

              What might happen if I ignore the checksum error?



            • #155288

                Just chganged the battery and im immediatly getting the error.


                Does this suggest it not a hardware fault draining the battery?

              • #155289
                Eventide Staff

                  Did you re-initialise the unit after changing the battery ? If so, try another battery and re-init.

                  If you get this message only after a power-up it's probably the battery or the battery circuitry.

                  If you get it after it has been powered up for a while, it is probably some hardware fault.


                • #155290

                    Another battery? It was hard enough trying to find one battery : )


                    I re-initialised and I got the error straight after start up. I dont get it any other time.


                  • #155292
                    Eventide Staff

                      The batteries are widely available through Amazon and such.

                      But, if you got the error following initialization without powering down, it's not the battery.

                      It is sounding more like a hardware fault. The fix is to send it in for service.


                    • #155294

                        Do you have a repair centre in the UK?

                      • #155277
                        Eventide Staff
                          pkdick wrote:

                          What might happen if I ignore the checksum error?

                          It's a sign of corruption in the data memory, but can be harmless. If everything seems fine, you can ignore it, but you will have no warning if things get worse.


                        • #155296
                          Eventide Staff
                            pkdick wrote:

                            Do you have a repair centre in the UK?

                            Our UK distributor, Source Distribution, would be the people to try.


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