Clockwork Upgrade Price

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    • #116428


        how does the upgrade price work? is it reduced by each plugin you already own?

        Also, I have some plugin I bought from third party sellers, how do I know if they are registered and count when upgrading?

        I have the following H3000 delays, H3000 factory, Instant flanger and phaser, Quadravox, SP2016, Ultra channel and equivocate





      • #157553

          My experience is that all plugins from bundle you aready own count. You must have them all on the same iLok account. And when you “ask” for discount, you must enter your iLok user ID.

        • #157558
          Eventide Staff

            Based on the information you provided, Instant Phaser, Flanger and SP2016 count towards the Clockworks upgrade ($149). You can check your price here 

          • #157590

              Hi there… I have a clarification to ask for the same product.

              I already own Omnipressor and SP2016 plugins, and AnthologyXI.

              What do I gain upgrading to Clockwork Bundle, if any? And, having already all licenses, can I download the Bundle and install that to update, when an update will arrive,

              or I have to download the complete Anthology or the single plugins?

              Sorry if the question is dumb… It’s just to clarify to me.

              Thanks for any “not too rude” answer… 😀  Kidding… You’re never rude. I love Eventide!



            • #157885

              And what if all the plugins are not in the same account?

            • #158608

                Would there be a chance you’ll give the cloclwork bundle upgrade price also the very satisfying (for the customer) 50 years of Eventide 50% treatment? just asking & congrats! 🙂 cheers!

              • #157591
                Eventide Staff

                  Hey, if you own Anthology XI and SP2016, then you have all of the plugins included in the Clockworks Bundle. So, no reason to upgrade.

                  The licenses and plugin binaries are the same between bundles + individual plugins, so you can download the Clockworks Bundle and install it to update. No need to download the complete Anthology bundle. That said, there have been some other recent bug fixes in plugins included in AXI, so I'd recommend using that installer to update.

                • #157886
                  Eventide Staff
                    cordero wrote:

                    And what if all the plugins are not in the same account?

                    The crossgrade discount works by verifiying your plug-in ownership using an iLok account. So, in order to get your crossgrade discount, all of your plug-ins must be on 1 iLok account. 

                  • #157921
                    tbskoglund wrote:

                    cordero wrote:

                    And what if all the plugins are not in the same account?

                    The crossgrade discount works by verifiying your plug-in ownership using an iLok account. So, in order to get your crossgrade discount, all of your plug-ins must be on 1 iLok account. 


                  • #158611

                      I am not sure, but most probably, if you buy the plugins,from Clockwork Bundle that are on Sale now, you will get nice discount for Clockwork.

                    • #158615
                        Fender17 wrote:

                        I am not sure, but most probably, if you buy the plugins,from Clockwork Bundle that are on Sale now, you will get nice discount for Clockwork.

                        i already got 3 of those great plugins (flanger, 910, 2016) and the offered upgrade is more expensive right now than buying them seperately, but you can’t have it all, i guess. all good. 🙂

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