Confirmation of stereo inputs Space/PitchFactor

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    • #176464


      First post on this forum. Sent email to Eventide tech support and the response was really not to my liking (Essentially I do not know what I am doing) so posting here for some help.

      I have the Space and Pitch Factor and both behave the same way. Essentially if you connect a Y cable to the inputs of the Space or Pitch Factor and monitor the signal inputs from the H9 software Via USB only the left meter will show a response (outputs are both okay).  If I connect two separate inputs the right meter starts responding. I noticed this since I am using a Boss ES8 stereo in/out connection (IO 8 on the ES8) and the left is only responding to the signal in H9 software. Below is what I had sent to to tech support but the second time around there was no response.

      So the issue is that unless the two inputs are of a high resistance when measuring from tip to tip (See diagram) the pedals work in Mono only.


      Let me put it another way. Connect a “Y” adapter cable to the Left and Right inputs of the Space or Pitch Factor. Then inject a signal (guitar, sinewave, etc.) and then check the left and right signal on the H9 control. You will only see the left input.

      Based on what you have indicated I should see both signals. I do not. And when I remove the left input the right input then shows a signal. If the signal was being pulled down for what ever reason, when using a Y splitter then both signal inputs, L/R would show no signal.

      As an example, I see this when I use the Boss ES8 in the loop 8 (stereo Send/Return) , only the left input has a signal in H0 control. If I measure the output of loop 8 hot to hot (tip to tip) I see  resistance of ~ 278OHM. This is inherent to the Boss switcher design since it is taking a mono signal and then splitting it to a Y output, in this case labeled L and R send.

      Any pedal I use before the Space with a stereo output will exhibit this behavior unless the tip to tip resistance of the L and R hot signals are more than ~ 50K ohms.

      The specular tempu3 has a measured tip to tip of 30K ohm when engaged of bypassed and the right signal will randomly show up on the H9 control meter. I have connected an oscilloscope to the L and R hot to ground and see the signal is present on both the L and R, with ~ same amplitude, but the right signal in H9 will randomly appear and then disappear. I can hear this in the actual audio in my studio monitors as a slight change in volume which follows the right input meter randomness.

      When I connect a TC pedal, Vortex, HOF2 or Chorus as above, the right signal will never show up on the H9 control screen. When I measure the tip to tip resistance the valve is 10K Ohm. SO the lower the tip to tip resistance worse it behaves.

      Now I took a 500K pot and connected it across the the inputs of the Space using two separate cables. The pot was connected to the tips and a signal injected into both the L and R of the Space with the pot at 500K. I can see the L and R signals in H9 with the same exact amplitudes. Then I slowly start to reduce the pot until I read ~ 50 K with no change. As I continue to reduce the resistance the further the right output starts to drop out and then recovers. This is ~ 40K Ohms. I continue to to reduce the pot to ~30K Ohm and then it behaves the same way as when I have the Tempus Specular connected. Dropping the pot to 10K Ohm and it behaves the same as a TC pedal, no signal.

      So I would like to understand this I have already contacted someone I know that has one and they too are able to duplicate the issue as described.

      Also please review and setup the a Space as above and then let me know what you find. ”

      I have attached the drawings of the setups mentioned in this post. Please review and let me know what you find, good, bad or indifferent.

      Thank you


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    • #176506
      Eventide Staff

      Hello Lex,

      Thanks for posting and sorry for the confusion with your stomp boxes. I’d suggest taking a simpler approach to your troubleshooting, no need wire up any external pots or break out the multimeter for this.

      I’ve just connected a stereo synth to the inputs of my TimeFactor and I am monitoring the input gain levels using H9 Control. If I turn down the left side of the synth, the left input meter on the TimeFactor goes down, and vice versa for the right channels. This quick test leads me to believe this is working correctly.

      I would not suggest using a Y-Cable with a Space/Factor pedal unless it is a TRS splitter cable and your source has a stereo TRS output. If the Looper has a mono send, you should connect to the input of the Space/Factor pedal in mono, the processing and output of the pedal will still be in stereo if desired.

      What happens if you connect your guitar directly to one of the stereo pedals, and the stereo output of that pedal feeds the Eventide pedal?

      Are you noticing anything incorrect about how the audio sounds, or are all these test just visually looking at the input meters in the app?


    • #176562


      Okay a simpler approach and one you should be able to test using the diagram below with available pedals from Eventide.

      Signal in to Space Left (mono) input. Output of Space to Pitch Factor. Both Space and Pitch factor are connect Via USB to Windows 10 computer with H9 control running.

      With the signal output  of the DT1 (The Korg DT1 is capable of sending out a signal, so you can use something similar but should be steady state signal) and connected to the Space 1 in (mono) input and pedal is active (and when pedal is bypassed it behaves the same way but you cannot see the metering with bypassed in relay mode. Change to DSP + FX and you can see the same VU response) the output in H9 control shows Left and Right are present on the outputs. Switch to the Pitch Factor H9 control metering and you will see that only the left input signal is active.

      And if you look at the input signal to space under these conditions, I see that periodically the the right input signal is active and then becomes inactive. Same for the Pitch Factor.

      And for this same setup if I connect any of my TC stereo outputs to the inputs of space (both L and R) or pitch factor, it will also behave as above.

      And it two separate signals are injected into the space everything works correctly.

      Hope you are able to setup this simple test to verify. Let me know.


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    • #176580
      Eventide Staff

      Thanks, I think I may be able to reproduce what you are seeing in certain situations. It seems like this will happen when a constant tone is being fed into the signal path, and the display of one side of the input meters will glitch a bit. If I am sending a typical audio source with dynamics, this is not happening for me.

      Most importantly, I am not hearing any issues with the audio or stereo image of the signal when this happens. Can you confirm if you are noticing anything incorrect about how the audio sounds, or are all these test just visually looking at the input meters in the app?

      There may be an issue with the meter display in H9 Control, but as far as I can tell, there is no issue with the audio or performance of the pedal.

    • #176868


      Yes I can hear the drop out but I need to really pay close attention to it by only listening to the right out channel on headphones and then paying attention to the audio while visually looking at the right out in H9. This is the same behavior for both pedals.

      If you do this one test (Y cable) as I mentioned in the first post then it is even more obvious when looking at the H9 right out signal. The H9 does not show any output at all.

      Anyways have a Safe and Happy Holiday Season!


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