connection help

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    • #111518

      Hi, trying to figure out how to wire up my eclipse, have read through the manual several times but still seem to be missing something?i am running through the fx loop of my gcx audio switcher….

       i purchased 2 xlr adapter's to use but didn't seem to help

      the front lvl meter's are not registering any signal at all?any help would be greatly appreciated..

    • #125673

        Have you tested that GCX loop "send" with any other device? Are you sure it is outputting some sort of signal for the Eclipse?

        Analog level can be adjusted under the LEVELS button (on the left side of Eclipse front panel). I don't remember if this is important but also set the digital clock to internal (not to wordclock or input), for example 48K.

      • #125675
        Eventide Staff

          Good points. Another thing to check out is that all the pins of the active input and output connectors are connected to something – none of them can float.

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