Controlling H9 HotSwitch/HotKnob/Ribbon

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    • #110948

      Can the HotSwitch/HotKnob be controlled by MIDI or an AUX switch? How about the Ribbon?


    • #124508
      Eventide Staff

        HotSwitch can be controlled by MIDI or AUX. 

        HotKnob and Ribbon are essentially expression pedal type remote controls, so you would not control them directly, you would control the pedal input (either directly or remotely) on the box. The HotKnob and Ribbon would then follow this control. Hope that makes sense ..

      • #146941

          You totally can.
          The Hotknob and the Expression pedal are the same.
          You can assign a midi cc to it.

        • #146938
            nickrose wrote:

            HotSwitch can be controlled by MIDI or AUX. 

            HotKnob and Ribbon are essentially expression pedal type remote controls, so you would not control them directly, you would control the pedal input (either directly or remotely) on the box. The HotKnob and Ribbon would then follow this control. Hope that makes sense ..

            I’m a little confused by this answer.  Are you saying that the hotknob cannot be controlled via midi?  If so, I think this would be a very useful feature.  I’m running out of assignable knobs on my controller and being able to control multiple parameters with one midi CC would be invaluable.

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