Controlling timefactor and mod factor at the same time

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    • #115717

        Hi! New to midi and using these pedals so I apologize if this has been asked.

        I would like the timefactor to control the modfactor as explained here:

        I got the tap tempo to work using the time factor as the main one, but changing patches is not working. The timefactor is set to transmit on. Is there anything I need to do on the modfactor?

        Also, if I use an aux switch with the timefactor, will that transmit to the modfactor as well?

      • #153796
        Eventide Staff
          marcorocks wrote:
          Hi! New to midi and using these pedals so I apologize if this has been asked. I would like the timefactor to control the modfactor as explained here: I got the tap tempo to work using the time factor as the main one, but changing patches is not working. The timefactor is set to transmit on. Is there anything I need to do on the modfactor? Also, if I use an aux switch with the timefactor, will that transmit to the modfactor as well?

          You would need to toggle on the Program Transmit on the TimeFactor. 

          Yes. You can map your aux switch to some MIDI CC messages, and then assign those messages to your ModFactor's functions.

        • #153797

            Thanks for the reply!

            I have the midi transmit to ‘On’ on the time factor per their video. It’s not pushing it over though. Does the modfactor need to be setup in a specific way to do it?

            As for midi mapping the aux switch how do I go about doing that? I just want to mirror the functions of the timefactor (bank up, down, bypass). If I can map it all, it would be one less bypass loop on my board since I always use both mod/time at the same time.

          • #153803

              Those two are on but it’s still not sending over. I think the pgm xmt is on which is how I think the midi signal is being synced between the two.

              I’ll read the guide tonight and see if I can manually map it. I was thinking it would be as simple as the video made it seem 🙁

            • #153806

                I still can’t get it to work. I know the midi data is being sent because tap tempo is locked. But my timefactor is still not controlling the modfactor. Any other ideas?

              • #153810
                Eventide Staff

                  Does the MIDI channel match?

                • #153813

                    I set both transmit and receive to 1. The mapping loops good as well:

                    Timefactor: 1:1 <0
                    Modfactor: 0<1:1

                  • #153802
                    Eventide Staff
                      marcorocks wrote:
                      Thanks for the reply! I have the midi transmit to ‘On’ on the time factor per their video. It’s not pushing it over though. Does the modfactor need to be setup in a specific way to do it? As for midi mapping the aux switch how do I go about doing that? I just want to mirror the functions of the timefactor (bank up, down, bypass). If I can map it all, it would be one less bypass loop on my board since I always use both mod/time at the same time.

                      Besides MIDI Transimit, there is another setting called PGM.XMT or something similar, you would need to turn that on as well.

                      You can set the aux switch midi mapping by going to the Setting Menu by pressing the encoder and the right footswitch, then go to MIDI -> XMT CC -> TIP or RNG or T+R, then set the mappings there (like C100, C101, C102). Then you would need to go the the MIDI setting on your ModFactor, and in [RCV CTL] – Receive Continuous Control Message, assign those MIDI messages to the functions you'd like to use.

                      Page 51 has some useful info for you:

                    • #153811
                      Eventide Staff
                        marcorocks wrote:
                        Those two are on but it’s still not sending over. I think the pgm xmt is on which is how I think the midi signal is being synced between the two. I’ll read the guide tonight and see if I can manually map it. I was thinking it would be as simple as the video made it seem 🙁

                        The PGM.XMT has nothing to do with the Clock. If the PGM.XMT is on, the pedal will transmit the program change messages on the XMT.CH, which needs to match the ModFactor's RCV.CH. You might also need to check the XMT.MAP on the TimeFactor and the RCV.MAP on the ModFactor. By default, it maps MIDI Program Change 0-99 to the Preset 1-100. So if it hasn't been changed before, you don't have to change this one.

                      • #153812
                          bohan wrote:

                          Does the MIDI channel match?

                          Which one?

                          Midi clock is working for tempo sync.

                          Bypass and bank commands are not syncing. I have program transmit set to on for the master pedal.

                          The main pedal has a transmit channel of 1 and the slave pedal is set to Omni. I tried mapping it to 1 and that didn’t fix it either.

                          I also tried (tried) mapping the aux switch to a midi CC to send the control that way, but I was unsuccessful.

                          I even reset both pedals to try again.

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