Couple questions…on modfactor

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Couple questions…on modfactor

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    • #106762

      I was trying to copy someones 'octavia' setting on my modfactor

      when i set the shape to envelope on the ring mod setting, nothing happens… theres no modulation happening at all… and i cant adjust speed (sensitivity)

      the only reason i noticed was because someone else had posted that they had done it

      i have just installed the update, so im not sure if its something to do with that because i never tried envelope on the ring mod setting before

      also is it supposed to flash the name of the effect when you select a preset?

    • #119760

      c'mon… anybody?

    • #119910

      Can somebody give me an answer?

    • #119911
      Eventide Staff

        It is supposed to flash the name of the effect when you select a preset. For a while, it did not (as described elsewhere on this forum) – this was a bug and is now fixed

        Don't know the answer to your ring mod query – I'll pass it on to someone who does.

      • #119912
        Eventide Staff

          I'm sorry for missing this post Dr. Orange.

          Suffice to say it is a bug.  I took a quick look and can't find the bug right now, however, I will find it an fix it.  We'll have to do a small point release for this.

          Thank you for finding it, and sorry for missing it.


        • #131102


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