CV Control Voltage to control Time Factor or Mod factor

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    • #113158

      I am experimenting with another pedal a Pigtronix Philosopher King which has an CV output ( The range is approx. 2VDC > 12VDC).

      I have read Timefactors Expression Pedal input supports control voltage inputs from 0V to 3V.  

      I have also read this: Factor switch and pedal inputs are protected against reasonable over-voltages. We don’t specify a maximum, but 5-15V should be OK. Note that the 100% voltage point on the Factor pedal input is about 3.3V – it will clip above this.

      I just want to know if iis SAFE to connect the Pigtronix CV out inside the timefactor or mod factor exp pedal, I just don’t want to ruin the pedal.

      Thanks in advanced.




    • #142139
      Eventide Staff

      I would suggest that you find another pedal.

      If its range is 2-12V and given that the 'Factor will clip at 3.3V, you will only have an effective swing of 2-3.3V, meaning that it will not get near zero, and the top 75% of the pedal will do nothing.

      The 'Factor will draw about 3 mA at 12V, so it will probably not damage the pedal (check wih manufacturer to be sure).


    • #142157
      Giacomo Cicirello wrote:

      I am experimenting with another pedal a Pigtronix Philosopher King which has an CV output ( The range is approx. 2VDC > 12VDC).

      I have read Timefactors Expression Pedal input supports control voltage inputs from 0V to 3V …

      It’s a worthy pursuit.  You’d have a programmable ASR envelope – controlled by audio input – that’s capable of modulating any parameter mapped to the expression pedal input.  It could also ‘loop’ modulation, using waveforms with variable slopes.  I put a little thought into breadboarding a voltage divider / regulator for that CV conversion, but never followed through.

      If this is an option for you, you might want to consider contacting Pigtronix directly.  Recently, I’ve read of an in-house pedal mod that converts 2-12 VDC to the Moog CV range [0-5V].  It isn’t much of a stretch to drop that to a 0-3V range.  If it’s not too-too pricey, I’d consider sending in my own Philosopher King for that kind of mod.

    • #142264

      I found this sequencer on the market, what do you think…It looks like it sends 1,2,5,7 volts…

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