Dante card, ethernet cable connections

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    • #173067

        No experience here with Dante and networks, I have a basic setup : MacMini, H9000R, RME UFX (+8 channes ADAT). So far I’ve been working with the H9k via 16 channels USB, and now adding a Dante card.

        Up to now I had a single ethernet cable going from my computer to the H9k. My question: What is the cabling now with the Dante card? A second ethernet cable connecting the Dante card to the computer? With a switcher necessary? Or no change as far as cabling is concerned?

      • #173074
        Eventide Staff

          Congrats on the Dante upgrade! If the H9000 is the only Dante device in your setup, you’ll want to check out Dante Virtual Soundcard: https://www.audinate.com/products/software/dante-virtual-soundcard

          The Dante expansion card can work as a network switch, allowing you to still use a single ethernet cable connected directly to your computer. Connect a short cable from the H9000’s ethernet port to one of the Dante primary ports, and connect the other primary port directly to your computer. Now you can connect to Emote and also access the Dante card’s I/O.

          In Dante Controller, make sure the Dante card is set to “switched” mode: https://dev.audinate.com/GA/dante-controller/userguide/webhelp/content/network_config_tab.htm

        • #173119

            Thank you very much for your help. I have the card installed, cabled as you suggested and the Dante card set to switched. There seems to be an issue with the clock.

            Would you have any idea from these screenshots?


            Thank you



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          • #173124
            Eventide Staff

              You’re welcome.

              If you are still using the UFX with ADAT, I would suggest having the UFX be the clock source for everything like so: UFX > H9000 > Dante card

              To do this, set the H9000’s clock source to ADAT, and then in Dante controller check off the “Enable Sync to External” box for the EVT-H9k device. This setting enables the Dante card to sync to the H9000’s clock.

              Note that in Dante Controller, you may also have to manually set the sample rate, even if it is externally synced. Double click the EVT-H9k device, click the “Device Config” tab, and set the sample rate there.

              Let me know if that works.

            • #173152

                No ADAT connected to the H9000, just USB. Problem persists.

              • #173162
                Eventide Staff

                  Have you double clicked on both devices in Dante Controller and confirmed that the sample rate is the same in the “Device Config” tab?

                  More clocking information can be found here: https://cdn.eventideaudio.com/manuals/h9000/2.0/content/expansions/dante.html

                  You’ll have to try a few configurations and let me know everything you have tried so we can rule out what the issue may be.

                • #173164

                    Have you double clicked on both devices in Dante Controller and confirmed that the sample rate is the same in the “Device Config” tab?

                    Yes, EVT-H9K and MacMini are both at 48kHz

                    More clocking information can be found here: https://cdn.eventideaudio.com/manuals/h9000/2.0/content/expansions/dante.html You’ll have to try a few configurations and let me know everything you have tried so we can rule out what the issue may be.

                    When I check “Enable Sync To External” it looks like this :

                    Screenshot 2023-08-15 at 17.23.45

                  • #173165
                    Eventide Staff

                      Have you followed the below instructions? You will need to change the H9000 clock source depending on the configuration:

                      To sync the H9000 to Dante, set the H9000’s clock source to “Exp A/B/C (Dante)”, and uncheck “Enable Sync To External” for the Dante card in Dante Controller.

                      To sync Dante to the H9000, set the H9000’s clock source to “Int {sample rate}”, and check “Enable Sync To External” for the Dante card in Dante Controller.

                    • #173171

                        Yes, i exectuted these steps, but there is no change (see screenshots above)

                        I’m a bit confused by your term “depending on the configuration”. Shouldn’t the Dante card always be running the clock and everything else should follow?



                      • #173172
                        Eventide Staff

                          No, the Dante card can follow the H9000, or the H9000 can follow the Dante card.

                          When you check “Enable Sync to External” that is telling the Dante card to follow the H9000. You must make sure the H9000’s clock is set to internal, or following another clock source that is not Dante.

                          If you uncheck “Enable Sync to External” that is determining that the Dante card will be the clock source. You must then set the H9000’s clock source to Dante.

                        • #173174

                            I followed the instructions, both ways,  but still the clock status is unchanged (see screenshot 3 above)

                            I really appreciate the continued support but I must say, as a musician, I find this process overwhelmingly complicated.

                            What can we do from here?



                          • #173176
                            Eventide Staff

                              Yes, I understand the Dante clocking can be tricky.

                              I’ll send you an email and we can schedule a zoom so I can check out your settings and see if we can figure out what the issue is.

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