DI Box with Eclipse

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    • #105587


        If anyone out there could make a recommendation on the following it would be greatly appreciated.

        I am a guitarist who knows almost nothing about rack gear, but having recently fallen in deep deep love with an eclipse unit, I recently bought one (it's not here yet, though). My question:

        In order to run a guitar into the eclipse, is it recommended to do so through a DI box? I thought I read in the manual that plugging an unbalanced guitar cable like you would in any guitar – pedals – amp setup will result in a 6db loss and not the optimal signal.

        So I guess the question is should I go guitar – unbalanced 1/4 cable – di box – xlr into the back of the eclipse?

        If so, any recommendations on what DI box to purchase?

        Thanks in advance.

      • #117393

          do you not have an amp?

        • #117394

            I do have an amp, a small Class A tube amp with no effects loop. My concern is in keeping the tone as pristine as possible. Because I will have to run the Eclipse essentially as a stompbox, in front of the amp, I want to insure that I don't lose any signal at all.

          • #128590

             Check out the Suhr MiniMix.  Run your Eclipse parallel with your guitar, in front of the amp.  You could have the Eclipse set to 100% wet and control the amount of effect with an expression pedal.


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