Dive Bomb with Expression Pedal settings for H9 or H90

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    • #169524

        Anyone have Presets for the H90 (or H9 that I can port over to the H90) that are similar to the Dive Bomb or -2 Octave effect of a Whammy or Momentary control switch for the Ricochet pedal that does the same Dive Bomb effect?

        Any tips or leads on how to achieve this would also be appreciated.

        I have tried to program this effect with no success using the PitchFlex and Polyphony Algos.

      • #169528
        Eventide Staff


          If you use the Pitchflex preset “Pitch Flex -2 Oct” I think that should be what you are looking for. This is a factory preset in the H90.

          This preset defaults to -2 Oct and then flexes up to unison. If you’d like this to work in the opposite way, change it so Heel A = Unison and Toe A = -2 oct. You can either map an expression pedal to the manual shift parameter, or use the Flex performance parameter in Perform Mode.

          Let me know if that works.

        • #169542

            Serendipity.  I was just fine-tuning a Program along these lines earlier this week.

            I have the (glitchier) Whammy IV here for comparison.  I’d need to dig out the Ricochet for A/B.  With guitar amps (but not FRFR), I lose the Dive Bomb near the bottom of that -3rd octave anyway.

            I prefer the Polyphony algo for a hard Whammy slam.  Better chord resolution; less of a ‘blanket’ over it, than the PitchFlex at 100 Mix.  But I do miss the Flex switching there, and its Shapes.

            I tried out several different approaches:

            • PitchFlex tap-dancing (switch for MIX 0-100; pedal for Whammy; switch back MIX 100-0):  Not very smooth.
            • EXP to both PitchFlex voices OFF to -2 OCT, and the Manual parameter:  The On / Off transitions at mid-throw are easily heard, especially with slower ‘bends’.
            • Convoluted multiple MIDI CC messaging to both MIX & Pitch: Not transferable to most rigs.
            • PitchFlex into Polyphony in series:  Work in progress.  Mixed results.

            I will say that I get smoother Pitch change resolution with a MIDI expression pedal, as opposed to RV-5s.  Either way, if you go slow enough, you’re going to hear some discrete intervals.

            With Polyphony, in mono or stereo, I use both voices sync’ed together, Uni to -2 OCT,  Manual target for EXP.   Gain-stage that doubled boost downstream.  MIX 100%, not many frills beyond that.

            But I do Pan both voices, and add a tiny bit of Detune (+/- 1 cent or so).  Seems to help out with the separation & clarity when transitioning from Bypass to Active.

          • #169546

              My mistake on the “Manual target for EXP” above.  For Polyphony, the EXP targets should be Shift A / Shift B.

              I conflated the two algos.  That’s what happens when you bounce between algorithms while comparing results.

            • #169554

                Hello, If you use the Pitchflex preset “Pitch Flex -2 Oct” I think that should be what you are looking for. This is a factory preset in the H90. This preset defaults to -2 Oct and then flexes up to unison. If you’d like this to work in the opposite way, change it so Heel A = Unison and Toe A = -2 oct. You can either map an expression pedal to the manual shift parameter, or use the Flex performance parameter in Perform Mode. Let me know if that works.

                Hi and yes, this will get me started and fairly close to what I was describing and seeking. Thank you all for your help as always.

                I was having trouble getting this factory Preset to work though, until I started adjusting the “Manual Shift” Parameter. It turns out that if I SAVE and leave the Program and return to it, the effect doesn’t work, until I adjust the Manual Shift in any direction for any amount and the effect works as it should. So, my current workaround is that I programmed the Expression control to also include to change the values of the Manual Shift Parameter. Eureka, it works every time now so far.

                —–>I can get this behavior to replicate consistently so may be a bug.

                Also, when looking up the PitchFlex documentation via the H90 Software tab under the 3 vertical dots, I do not see the “Manual Shift” Parameter, what am I missing? Screen shot file attached.

                I am running H90 Control 1.2.2 and “there are no software updates available” when I go to that tab in H90 Control.

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              • #169562

                  I am seeing what you are, rck, in both the PitchFlex documentation and the saved behavior.  The H9 usually had Manual tucked away under the Shapes / Mod Shapes. Now it’s broken out separately for many H90 algorithms.  Looks like the Manual parameter got missed in updating it for H90 documentation for PitchFlex.

                  The saved behavior is a little harder to understand.  I would think of it as the base adjustment over static pitch shifts.  Maybe because those are broken out as separate Heel / Toe parameters?

                  I’m going to speculate that the current expression pedal position is saved in a Program, like the H9.  (Note how expression pedal movement gives you that unsaved * asterisk in an otherwise unchanged Program).

                  Probably why mapping it to Manual gets saved correctly.  I’m not sure if the unsaved solo Manual position is buggy, or by design, though.

                • #169563

                    Thanks for the useful info about the PF behavior, Brock.

                    It has been many years since I last tweaked anything with the H9 PitchFlex so I am ignorant with regards to that Algo.

                    I am also noticing some other potentially buggy behavior with tweaking the H/T Glis, T/H Glis and Glis Shape parameters making no change to how the Pitch Flex -2 Oct Factory Preset behaves in my H90 and in fact if I change the Glis Shape to any other value, the effect ceases to completely work again.

                    Eventide staff, please advise. -thanks

                    • #169590
                      Eventide Staff

                        These 3 parameters “H/T Glis, T/H Glis, Shape” only apply to when using the Flex footswitch. I think you are using an expression pedal, and so thats why you are not noticing a difference. If you set the Gliss times between .50 and 1 sec, you should notice it takes a longer amount of time to complete the Flex. Now, try changing the shape, and you should notice a difference between the rise/fall times. Let me know if that works.

                    • #169687

                        These 3 parameters “H/T Glis, T/H Glis, Shape” only apply to when using the Flex footswitch. I think you are using an expression pedal, and so thats why you are not noticing a difference. If you set the Gliss times between .50 and 1 sec, you should notice it takes a longer amount of time to complete the Flex. Now, try changing the shape, and you should notice a difference between the rise/fall times. Let me know if that works.

                        How do you assign Parameters to the Flex foot Switch?

                        • #169700
                          Eventide Staff

                            Nothing needs to be assigned to the Flex footswitch. Engaging the footswitch will perform the heel to toe pitch sweep.

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