Does Orville easily do what Eclipse does?

Home Forums Products Rackmount Does Orville easily do what Eclipse does?

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    • #105404

        Maybe stupid question sorry..
        Recently I've sold eclipse and looking for higher model.
        Will Orville do what eclipse does?
        I really liked eclipse and wanted more channels for fx..

      • #117052

         Yes, the mighty Orville does all Eclipse fx…and much, much more.

        Obviously the H8000FW is even more powerful and advanced!

        Check its Virtual Racks as an appetizer.

        all the best

      • #117053

          thanks ID! you are so kind 🙂

          BTW, how much will the upgrade fee – Orvill to H8000FX?

          H8000FW is slightly expensive for my budget..

          Ah, Eventide hooked me totally! it rocks!!

        • #128099

           Thanks, Fractal.

          I understand…but still advice you to consider an "in production" Eventide for a number of good reasons.

          The Orville>H8000 upgrade has different prices, depending on which generation Orville you have.

          More details are available here:

          Let me know what you exactly need to know about our units!

          all the best

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