Does the H9 support 2 expression pedals at the same time?

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Does the H9 support 2 expression pedals at the same time?

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    • #111478

        First off, I love the H9. I love being able to assign my expression pedal to any parameter I choose and the effects sound great. As the title states, I'm wondering if it is possible to have 2 expression pedals working at the same time to change 2 different parameters.

      • #125596


          I'm wondering if it is possible to have 2 expression pedals working at the same time to change 2 different parameters.

          It's not possible to have 2 expression pedals changing two parameters, because there's only one EXP jack on the H9.  But you could have 2 MIDI expression pedals control 2 different parameters.  If you look in the MIDI CC assignment section of the Pedal settings of H9 Control (or on the H9 itself), you'll see that you can assign MIDI CC messages to any parameter.  These are global settings though.  You couldn't have MIDI CC control parameter 1, i.e. Mix, in one preset for example and parameter 6 in another preset.

        • #125597

            Thanks for the extremely fast reply. The reason I ask is I'm looking into purchasing a Roland FC-300 which has 2 expression pedals. I really wanted to know if one of them would just be sitting there useless.

          • #136319

              Oh, no, that's a MIDI foot controller.  You'll be able to use both.

            • #136322

                Not only that, using the midi expression pedals means you can STILL plug in an analog EP and have control over 3 separate sets of controls!

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