DSP 4000

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    • #107393

      Is this right way to connect guitar and 2 amps??

      GUitar plug into    AUDIO  IN  CH1 

      Vox ac 30 into AUDIO OUT  CH1

      Fender twin reverb into AUDIO OUT CH2

      Hope to hear from you. thanx.

    • #121029
      Eventide Staff

        You certainly can connect them like this. But, it will only work on certain presets. If you use a "mono in, mono out" preset, or a "stereo in,  stereo out" preset, you will only get one of the outputs.

        To get what you want, look in the Preset Manual for presets that either say "mono in, stereo out" or "summed in, stereo out", or "switchable in, stereo out".

      • #121037

        Thank you.

        If I undestand you sugest me to change the commands in every presets or in all presets in the Eventide 4000. But how to save this command to stay in right position??

        How you would connect 2 amps and guitar??

        Thank you.

      • #132192
        Eventide Staff

          Sounds like your connections are OK – you just have to understand the presets. This requires study.

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