DSP 7500 Diatonic shift calibration ?

Home Forums Products Rackmount DSP 7500 Diatonic shift calibration ?

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    • #185620


        I am new to Eventide products, I have a 7500 to test wih my guitar  effects.

        The Diatonic presets cannot recognize the notes as they should ! They take a D for a C, E for D etc.

        How can I calibrate the 7500 to recognize the good tunes ? There is a groupe of parameters to calibrate the preset but I cannot see anything wrong.

        Any comments are welcome.

      • #185799

          Answer to myself.

          My Eclipse is in tune but not my DSP 7500.

          The only thing I found is to modify the “tune” parameter on “cal” tab. It is possible to set this parameter to -200 cents for my DSP 7500 to be in tune.

          That sounds “fragile”, doesn’t it ?

          If anyone has met a tuning issue please let me know.

        • #187219

            Still answering to myself.

            The problem disappeared with modifying the Digital Source to Int (48 kHz. or 44.1 kHz) or to S/PDIF.

            Hope it will be useful for people tho the same issue.


          • #187221

              Correction :

              Hope it will be useful for people who encounter the same issue.


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