DSP4000 – OS versions question

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    • #188821

        Hi all!

        I’m thinking about getting an Eventide DSP4000.

        I have 2 options:
        – one serviced, with warranty, with OS 2.0
        – one tested, in perfect working condition, with OS 2.112

        They both cost the same, but I would prefer the serviced one, it would be more safe…

        The problem is it has a lower OS version and I don’t know what I’ll be missing from 2.112… 🙁

        – Does the 2.0 has less modules/effects than the 2.112 (or the latest 2.158)?

        – Does it influences using with VSIG with the 4000?

        – Does anyone has more detailed info about the differences on these OS versions?

        – What would you choose?

        I’ve searched in Google but I didn’t found any relevant info…

        So, any help would be truly appreciated.


      • #188946

          Not as sure on the differences between the very old and the v2.112 versions. Will have to look more into this (or maybe Italo can chime in?) and look more at the documentation and vsig files. My guess is a few modules and some bug fixes?
          Here are the later differences, I believe between v2.112 through v2.300…

          Supposedly the last “standard” OS version was v2.112 for the DSP4000 and v2.200 for the DSP4500.
          v2.158 was a special ROM included with the Alchemy cards.
          v2.300 was a special ROM included with the Ultrashifter cards.

        • #188947

            c_curve v2.300
            c_lin2db v2.300
            c_many v2.300
            c_relay v2.300
            c_timer v2.200
            compressor v2.158
            dither v2.300
            gate2 v2.158
            iswitch v2.300
            midiclock v2.300
            midinout v2.200
            multiknob v2.300
            oswitch v2.300
            peak v2.158
            picodelay v2.300
            scales v2.300
            sknob v2.112
            sourceanalyzer v2.300
            texttrigger v2.300
            tmenupage v2.300
            ultrashifter v2.300

          • #188961

              <p style=”text-align: left;”>noodle1, thanks! This clarifies things!</p>
              But, do you think that between OS 2.112 and OS 2.0 , the diferences are minimal (bug fixes), or in fact, 2.112 has more modules?

              Just insisting on this because, at the same price, I have the chance to buy:

              – a DSP4000 with 2.0, serviced, with 3 months warranty

              – a DSP4000 with 2.112, tested, but not serviced, with a 7 day return policy

              I’m tempted to buy the serviced one with OS 2.0, but I’m wondering what I would miss from the 4000 with OS 2.112…


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