Dual delay on h9 only produces one delay, why?

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Dual delay on h9 only produces one delay, why?

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    • #172784

        I’m trying to set up my take echo so that I get a deal delay 1375 and one at 500 ms, but only one of them actually comes out through my Rig. I’m setting up in mono. I assume that I don’t have to have a stereo rig to take advantage of the dusl delay … surely?!

      • #172785
        Eventide Staff

          Hi Chalky,

          Can you provide a little more insight into your signal routing? Are you using the H90 straight into the amp or do you have it connected to the amps effects loop?

        • #172786

            Hi Joe, Gtr to h9 mono in / mono out (I have tried both inputs) to Toneking Imperial. I have delay A at 375 and delay B at 500 but when I try to adjust parameters on the H9 Control I see that delay A is redundant, and only delay B is audible (if I turn the delay box to the left there is no delay).




          • #172787
            Eventide Staff

              I’m assuming you’re using the Tape Echo algorithm. Is the Delay Mix control in the middle at A10+B10?

            • #172788

                That’s correct, the delay mix is set at the centre A10-B10 as you say.

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              • #172790
                Eventide Staff

                  When you say you’re hooked up in mono, you’re going into IN 1 and coming out of OUT 1, correct? What is the Routing on the H9 set to? System menu > UTILS > ROUTE.

                • #172891

                    Hello, sorry, was away a few days back to this … firstly yes to IN 1 and OUT ; secondly ‘routing’ I am not seeing UTILS-ROUTE on my H9 control app on my iPhone… the main tabs are algorithms preset list, pedal in settings … Under settings, drop-down called general settings if I press that I get routine which gives me three options which are normal pre-post and with Dry, this is the only location that I can see any reference to routing.

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