
Home Forums Products Rackmount dust

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    • #172793


        After moving my hardware effects around in my rack, i noticed dust on the fanblades in h9000, so i opend it and used a air duster to remove the dust, i also saw there was dust on the top (inside) plate, just where the fan is… what?? yes…at first it looked just like the normal “burned” area where the powersupply is, but no, but it was dust


        So i have a suspicion that its the madi installed on expansion a, that is “blocking” the fan for full flow in h9000 – so can i install my madi on expansion c, or does it have to be in expansion a ? and will my saved fx-chains be “lost” when moving the expansion cards?

        sorry for my english

      • #172794
        Eventide Staff

          You can move the expansion card to any slot. If you have Sessions that use expansion card A, these will have to be rerouted to use expansion card C instead. You won’t lost any FX Chains, you may just need to reroute some Sessions.

          To clarify, an expansion card in slot A will not cause any issues with the fan.

        • #172797

            Ok thank you, btw the dust is not mine, i bought it from a smoking guy, a bit famous here in the country, which has his own studio, i moved it on expansion c, just in case 🙂

            do you have the specs for the fan, thats the first thing to replace i know

          • #172798
            Eventide Staff

              Sorry, I have no specs to provide for the fan. This is not a user replaceable part, and there is no reason that it should be replaced. I am not aware of any users needing to replace the fan.

              The latest beta firmware allows you to adjust to the speed of the fan to be more quiet if you find the fan noise is too loud. More information can be found here: https://www.eventideaudio.com/forums/topic/public-beta-release-h9000-fw-2-1-10-emote-2-1-2/

            • #172859

                Well actually I want more fancooling on it, I noticed that the fan is faster at starup, which is just right amount – is there a possiblity to add that speed to the next firmware plz 🙂

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