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    • #105266

      I would like to put my vote in for e-control to be ported to AU so we can use it in DP and/or Logic

      thanks for listening

      lovely Site !!!

    • #116857

      you 're right,
      please give us an AU e-control

    • #116974

        How about VST ?

      • #116981

        Yeah, a VST version would be much appreciated. Does anyone know of any other way to control the Eclipse from a computer?

      • #127994

          I'd vote for a VST version too 🙂

          This guy has a little app that mimics the front panel. it's not much good for in depth editing but it might help if you just need a little bit of remote control.


        • #116985

          I'd definately vote for VST

        • #128002

          Thank you Rozzer. I've actually seen that one before, but I don't know how to use those files. Seems like Java something. Anyone knows how to use them?

        • #128007

          The java executable file opens up just like any other executable file.

        • #128008

          I don't see any executable file – only *.gif and *.jar files. Do I have to install anything first?? Sorry, I'm not familiar with java…

        • #128010

          The files unzip to a folder called eclipseremote. Your computer should already have java support. The executable you need to run is"eclipseremote.jar" All of the other files are support files for the application. I'm not sure on a mac, but if you are running windows, then just click on "eclipseremote.jar", or right click on it and go to run. Hope this helps.

        • #128025

          I'm running windows, but I have not installed Java so thats why. But thank you anyway dlucas!

        • #128035

          any time.

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