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    • #105397

      Is this (e-control) available for purchase now? Perhaps I missed something? 

    • #117042

        Hi Dwight,

        It is currently in development and is scheduled for delivery at the end of April.  If you purchase an H8000FW, H7600 or Eclipse between September 1, 2007 and  the end of April, you are eligible to get it for free.  It is an RTAS plug-in and will sell for $199.

      • #117043


        Hi Dwight,

        It is currently in development and is scheduled for delivery at the end of April.  If you purchase an H8000FW, H7600 or Eclipse between September 1, 2007 and  the end of April, you are eligible to get it for free.  It is an RTAS plug-in and will sell for $199.

        thanks for the reply.

        simple question. can I control muliple units in a single session? for example 2 Eclipse'

      • #128091

        Hi Dwight,

        This is a great question and I am currently looking into this for you.

        I will follow up once I have received confirmation.


        D. Rooney
        Audio Support Technician
        Eventide Inc.

      • #128092

        Hi Dwight,

        In regards to your inquiry if multiple Eventide units can be controlled within in a single PT session; the answer is yes.

        Best of luck!

        D. Rooney
        Audio Support Technician
        Eventide Inc.

      • #128145

        This is good to know. I look fwd to using this plug. 

      • #128587

          No e-control for sale, isn't it supposed to be for sale at april 30th?

          Isn't it available for download purchase?


        • #128589

            Hi Tony,

            Regrettably, the release of E-Control has been pushed back to June 30th.  At that time it will be released and available for a public beta.

            I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. 


          • #117545
            Sonic Nomad


              Hi Dwight,

              It is currently in development and is scheduled for delivery at the end of April.  If you purchase an H8000FW, H7600 or Eclipse between September 1, 2007 and  the end of April, you are eligible to get it for free.  It is an RTAS plug-in and will sell for $199.

              Hi Ray,

              What about users who've purchased an EVE/NET in this period?


            • #128706

                Hi David,Unfortunately, Evenet purchases do not qualify for a freebee, but E-Control only costs $199.  It is scheduled to be released September 1st.

              • #128707


                 I must admit to being a bit disapointed about this product release date. I have been looking fwd to using this since January.

                 D. Ashley

              • #128709


                  We are sorry, but unfortunately the development of this got pushed back by some other development projects that share the same resources.  Rest assured when we release it, it will be right, and hopefully worth the wait.

                • #128710


                    will you consider E-control as a VST?

                    Talking about computer support, I just think how absolutely great would have been if Eventide could make something like the TC Electronic's Integrator plug-in:

                    i.e. on every channel you want, you load the plug-in, and it redirects the audio out from the computer to the Eventide, it gets the FX, and then returns the audio on the same channel – simple and easy. It also calculates the delay propagation so as the audio is time-aligned.

                    Given the fact that the H-8000FW has 8 inputs / 8 outputs, I think it would be nice to have 4 instances of this plug-in when the audio is stereo or 8 if it's mono (or a combination of both).

                    I mean, ok, you can do all this stuff OTB – but I just think it would be great to have something like that.


                  • #128729

                      Yes VST would be fantastic. Spare a thought for us Eventide customers who don't use ProTools. 

                    • #117609

                      This would be great if you can use it outside of Protools. Audio Unit or VST support ? I think it would have made more sense to make a VST plugin . Than if people wanted RTAS or AU support they could have used FXpansion adapters. Unfortunately there are no RTAS to VST or AU adapters out there. Bad call by the development team.

                    • #117642

                         Is the beta available yet? The info on the site says June 30.


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