Eclipse for Guitar

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    • #105564

      Hey, I was wondering whether someone with an eclipse could help me.
      Ive been trying to find a decent rack FX unit for guitar with decent reverb chorus and delay sounds.
      I was sold on a TC electronic M3000 which is alot cheaper but after hearing the Eclipse on the Eventide site i was blown away.
      It seems you can get really amazing ethereal sounds from the unit, is this true?
      Are you able to adjust the reverb and chorus effects much at all?

      Thanks for your help

    • #117351

       Hi Ed

      ethereal sounds is one of Eventide's specialties. You can get many of them, using plex verbs/shifters/ring mods/multi tap delays.

      These fx are so editable you can even edit the reverb internal delay lines in Expert mode: yes reverb is made w/delay lines (true for any digital reverb)…Eventide is the only processor that allows you to even tweak these delays, to simulate reflections in the way you like.

      all the best

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