Eclipse freezes on power-up

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    • #110885

        All of a sudden i have this problem; when I turn the Eclipse on, it starts to do it's normal morning rituals, but then suddenly it freezes with "LOADING PROGRAM" written on the screen. And then nothing happens (I have waited couple of hours..) Pressin any buttons don't have any affect (other than the power on/off). 

        Any suggestions?



      • #124424
        Eventide Staff

          The first thing to try would be to look in the UM under "Fixing Strange Behavior, Freezes, Etc.".

        • #124427

            Ok, thanks for the suggestion.

            I tried the three methods (powering up with holding the key Program/Setup/8), and in addition to losing all my presets, the unit is perhaps even more sick: it powers up ok (loading the 102 Thru program), but the Ext and 48 kHz leds are blinking. When I try to change to other program, it displays "Codegen #-26882 not foundpress any key to continue". The unit freezes here, and pressing any key doesn't have any effect.

            While doing the three methods, I got a, on occasions, a message "Badalg2 head cg: 1.b alg: 0.0 press any key to continue". On occasion, the unit displayed "New software – clear setup?", to which I aswered "yes". And on occasions, pressing the program button the unit suggests to load setup 000 Factory Unit (which I did load) instead of any programs.

            So, further assistance still desperately needed!


          • #135343
            Eventide Staff

              The Ext and 48k lights will probably be related to a bad digital input. What clock source are you using ?

              Are you using the latest software ? Some of your problems sound like old bugs.

              It is also possible that you have a hardware error – if you think this is the case you should contact If your unit is still under warranty you should certainly do this.

            • #135344

                No clock source, and no digital connections – have been using only analog i/o. And right now, nothing except power cable is plugged to the unit.

                I have the 3.000 software – I've tried updating the software in the past both with cable and flash card, but without success (can't get the computer and Eclipse talk when using the cable, and haven't been able to find a compact flash card the Eclipse accepts).

                I bought it in 2006, so I'm guessing it's not under warranty anymore..

              • #135345
                Eventide Staff

                  If you're still using the 3.0 software, the cause of some of your problems is obvious. You need to either resolve your card problems (get a card 512M or below from eBay and format it on the Eclipse). Then update to the latest version.

                  My guess is that if you do this you will find a big improvement. If not, you will have to decide if you want to send it in.

                • #135346

                    Do you have a dealer in Finland (where I live) where I could send the unit for repair? Or does it have to be shipped to US?

                  • #135347
                    Eventide Staff

                      Our Finnish dealer is Studiotec. Otherwise, you could try Sound Service (Germany) or HHB (UK) to avoid sending it out of the EC. If none of these work out, it will have to come back to the US (

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