Eclipse in guitar setup:

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        I’m thinking of getting an Eclipse for my guitar rig, but is it feasible in a live guitar rig? A couple questions:

        1. I see it has 1/4″ in and outs. Can I use these to go stereo into the Eclipse from my pedalboard and then stereo out of the eclipse to two amps? Will I have signal level issues? Does the eclipse work well with guitar signal levels and in setups like this? I’ll be going into the front of two JC-120s and I play clean with no gain/distortion so no need to put in effects loop for me (all effects in front of amps).

        2. Can I use a foot switch like a Boss FS-5U(momentary) or Boss FS-5L(latching) to remotely control the bypass function on the eclipse? Which would be best?

        Any help appreciated.


      • #143111
        Eventide Staff

          A lot of guitarists use the Eclipse, but I'll let them reply to say how much they like it.

          You can certainly go in and out stereo – some of the effects are mono, but these usually mix the inputs.

          You can remote bypass from MIDI or a momentary foot switch.


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