Eclipse instrument definition in Sonar 7

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    • #105457

        Regarding the Eclipse cakewalk instrument definition file download – has
        anyone gotten it to work in Sonar 7?  BTW: I have loaded v3.5b4 in the Eclipse.

        I import the definition into a fresh Sonar midi channel, the patch numbers and names show up correctly  but no luck changing to the correct program on the box.
        For example, selecting Bank 100 patch 117 via Sonar, the Eclipse responds with 'Program Number 17 Not Found'.
        Likewise, when I select Bank 200 patch 217, also get #17 Not Found.

        I futzed around with hacking some edits in the .ini file and managed to get the Eclipse to change programs but they were offset by 100…..Bank 200 patch 216 selected and I get program 116 on the Eclipse. Bank 300 patch 316 selected and program 216 on Eclipse.

        I am new to Sonar (using demo version) so am not familiar at all with the proper editing/creation of the definition files.

        thanks for any info.

      • #117169

         Hi JR

        the file was an user upload from years ago, very likely supporting an old OS version.

        all the best

      • #117195

           I got the Eclipse instrument definition to work in Sonar 7 and
          can now call up all the presets from within Sonar.

          When setting up the Eclipse as an instrument in Sonar, you
          have several options for choosing a 'Bank Select Method' .
          Choose 'Controller 0'.


        • #128286

           With ANY MIDI controller, hardware or software:

          MIDI bank select messages allow random access to all presets in your Eclipse, unlike MIDI maps which limit the selection to 128 choices.  Eclipse receives bank select messages on MIDI continuous controller #0.
          For example, to load preset #451, send a MIDI bank select message (continuous controller #0) with a value of 4, followed by a MIDI program change message with a value of 51.  To load preset 13, send a MIDI bank select message (continuous controller #0) with a value of 4, followed by a MIDI program change mes-
          sage with a value of 13.


        • #128288

            Thanks for the extra info….

            Your explanation clears up a few
            things for me.

            hmmmm…I can see a project
            if I find the time….instrument definition
            for the H8000!!  


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