Eclipse – issue trying to add second algo

Home Forums Products Rackmount Eclipse – issue trying to add second algo

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    • #168257

      I have my Eclipse in a guitar rack being fed Mono from the preamp and out stereo.

      I have an issue where I cannot add a second algo/ effect into the fxb slot. It always says “Cannot add algorithm because of current sample rate”. What doe Athos mean and how do I solve it?

      Maybe I’m doing something wrong, so please could someone easily explain the process for adding a second algo to a preset with only one in the FXA slot. I’m getting frustrated now.


    • #168259

      Does this mean*

    • #168260
      Eventide Staff

      Using higher sample rates on the Eclipse will disable some Programs, it sounds like your unit is set to use a higher sample rate. Go to Setup > Dig-In > Clock to change this to 44.1kHz or 48kHz and that should allow you to add an additional algorithm.

      More information can be found on page 25 of the user guide:


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