Eclipse no audio signal over ADAT

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    • #116048


      I am trying to connect a Behringer UMC1820 interface to an Eclipse via ADAT, but I canot get any audio signal despite trying everything.

      Cables are connected properly and seem to be working.

      These are the set parameters:

      Dig-In: ADAT

      Clock: DigIn 44100Hz

      SRC Mode: On

      ADAT-In: Ch1-Adat1 , Ch2 Adat2

      Status: OK ADAT

      Dig Out:

      Optical out: ADAT

      Adat Out 1: Ch 1

      Adat Out 2: Ch 2

      I have tried every combination of these settings.

      I am sending Audio from Ableton Live over channels 13/14 from the UMC1820.

      Recieving on channels 11/12.

      The UMC opt i/o switch is set to ADAT.

      I have tried every combination of inputs/outputs. Any advice appreciated. Thanks!

    • #155573
      Eventide Staff

        Most likely you are not matching the ADAT channels to the Eclipse channels. First, try stepping through all the ADAT in channels on the Eclipse and seev if you see any signal.

        If that fails, try connecting the Behringer ADAT in and out together and be sure that there is signal on it (disconnect and signal should go away).


      • #183877

          I have the same rig Behringer UMC1820 and eventide eclipse, and im having the same problem. not sure how to fix it



        • #183921

            And what about clocking? One of the devices must be master, the rest of devices slaves. You may distribute clock using ADAT, no need for worldclock.

            I have Eclipse, but not Behringer. ADAT works fine with RME DigiFace USB.

            (The only problem I hit on Eclipse is SPDIF via RCA. Maybe it works an I had wrong cables or whatever…..  But AES/EBU works fine, so no real problem SPDIF seems not work for me.)

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