Eclipse or H7600

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    • #105322

        I am debating between the two. Main usage will be in a guitar rack, connected to a SwitchBlade GL. But I also want to connect to ProTools via SPDIF and be able to control as a plugin. I understand that the H7600 can use VSIG and the Eclipse cannot. As a programmer, I would prefer the former, but I understand that it's not trivial at all to write in VSIG. Does the H7600 have ALL the presets in the Eclipse, and more?
        Again, mostly a guitarist's usage, but twaeking is key.
        Thanks for your advice.

      • #116899


        the 7600 has many advantages over the Eclipse, both in presets and enourmous flexibility. If you think Vsig algorithms programming is something you want to use, then go for the 7600. In either cases the 7600 will give you much more, anyway.


      • #116906

          OK. I downloaded and learned how to use Vsig-X and created a couple of algos on my Mac just to play. I love the way to create algorithms. It's similar to the WinBlade editor for my SwitchBlade, except much more powerful obviously.
          I *love* this way to edit algorithms, very powerful. I'm definitely going to get the H7600. Is it a recent product, as I'm afraid to buy a product that might be replaced soon?

        • #127932

            Another question:
            Are the existing factory presets loaded on the H7600 locked or they can be loaded and edited in Vsig?
            I figure it would be the best way to learn Vsig in depth.


          • #127933

             The H7600 is the latest rack product we have created.


          • #127934

            THAT'S the way (and how I learned!)

            Yes, all presets are fully edit_able in Vsig, PH. 


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