eclipse problem to update to 3 to 3.51

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    • #107670


      difficult to upgrade my eclipse 3  to version 3.51

      i have a transcend card 4go

      and when i press the 1 button i read loading romprog.exe from card and after 3 second the eclipse shut down

      but the button tap is green…………….sometimes………………

      boot version is 1.21

      so what can i do to fix this problem?


    • #121625
      Eventide Staff

        My guess is that your card is formatted as FAT32, which older versions of Eclipse cannot read. You will need to reformat it as FAT or FAT16 – this will probably not be possible on a 4G card, in which case you will need to find a smaller one, or use the serial download approach (PC only).

      • #121838

          I think Nick made a typo … he means you need to format it with FAT or FAT16 and not FAT32.

          (not trying to me a smartass… just trying to help Embarrassed)

        • #133040
          Eventide Staff

            Mistake, what mistake ? I have powers that ordinary mortals do not possess…

          • #133056

              LOL nicely done Wink

              Just got a card and updated from 3.1 to 3.51 then to 4.01 successfully 

              YAY! now to figure out how to map the TimeFactor repeat function to a midi CC…..Geeked

            • #133063

              i find the solution i get a very old flash card a memup 128mo and it works!

               i can upgrade whith this one my eclipse and my H8000…………..


              thank for the support

            • #133067

                …and an H8000…..I am very jelous!

                I just got a 4GB Sandisk Ultra card and formatted it in Windows with "FAT" this worked fine to upgrade from 3.1 to 3.51 then from 3.5.1 to 4.01

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