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March 30, 2008 at 3:54 pm #105519
Hi there,
I've tried and tried to get any kind of digital configuration to work and I can't seem to work it out.
Running at 24/96 on Fireface 800
If I have Toslink and Spdif (75ohm) Cables connected up and the "best"
setting I can get in the eclipse software is One channel of toslink
successfully going into the Eclipse being returned to both channels of
Spdif. !?! The eclipse won't lock to wordclock when the digital input
is set to Spdif (cns or pro).Outs/Ins on the FF are all working fine. Been using total mix for 2 years. Routing is clear. That's not the problem.
I've tried the Original the current AND the Beta software…
I suspect…
1) Hardware Fault (Maybe a cable came loose in the post? that happened to my smart C2) (Bought S/h but from a good dealer)
2) I don't understand the units software set up
I have two FF800s and a Presonus digimax FS and the Eclipse all clocked by a Mutec MC-3
If you have similar connections please help me check this setup.
Eventide customer services haven't replied. I emailed them on the 26th
Please Help
All the Best
March 31, 2008 at 1:10 pm #117272
running the unit at 96KHz is not recommended with S/Pdif. AES/EBU is the standard professional protocol adviced for the highest sampling rates.
Once you have connected the units, you need to make sure Eclipse is running on the card clock. Go to SETUP > DIG-IN and choose the appropriate connector. Then move to CLOCK and set it to DigIn
Hz and you should see the sampling frequency showing up as soon as Eclipse is clocked. The EXT LED will light up steady.best
April 8, 2008 at 9:02 pm #117342
Just a final follow up…
I wanted to try either Spdif or Toslink connected to the fireface 800…no luck with either…but…
I have now successfully set up at 96khz using 75ohm cables with spdif on one end and XLR (AES) on the other end. I made up the cables and just followed the wiring (actually standard) in the FF800 manual.
Set eclipse to Digi out:XLR
FF800 set to Pro on the Spdif prefs panel.
Eclipse is now clocking to word clock on the Mutec MC3 just fine
I now have it as an external effect in Nuendo.All just peachy.
A ray of light after a few weeks of studio stress.
Thanks for your attention.All the Best from Berlin
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