Eclipse > Switchblade > 2 Amps

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    • #105302

        I'm going to be connecting an Eclipse to my Switchblade GL. I will have two amps connected to the GL also. One of the amps has a +4db serial fx loop, but the other one has no loop at all. I want to use the Eclipse with both amps–not necessarily in stereo, but with one amp at a time.

        So, I assume I will make the following connections. 1. The fx loop's send/return to my GL. 2. The analog in/out of the Eclipse to the GL. All of these connections should be balanced at +4db, right? 3. Connect the other amp to one of the GL's outs.

        Here's my question (assuming what I wrote above is right). Will I run into any problems when I program presets that use the Eclipse with the other, non-fx-loop amp? Will the signal be too hot for that amp? Or am I not thinking clearly, and there will be no problem at all?

        Any help with this?



      • #116861

        that?s not at all your idea right now, but why don?t you play the amps dry, mic them or take some line out back to the gl and use the eventide just for wet sounds, sending it directly to the p.a.?

        that?ll sound great…


      • #116866

        Weird setup. Jeff!

        Eclipse require XLR connections for +4 dB balanced and unbalanced signals. The 1/4" connections should be used when a guitar is directly connected to it.

        The amp used thru FX loops should, in theory, provide a +4 dB unbalanced signal. Check its manual. The other amp is definitely used with a -20dB signal.

        Since everything is connected to the Switchblade, the real question is how THAT unit handles signals. Check its manual and refer to its manufacturer.


      • #116882

          Yes, I know. We've had this conversation before about my setup(s). But, just to keep you up to date, the Eclipse is not in the same rig as my H8000, which we have talked about many months/years ago. The H8000 is in a rack that now feeds an AC30 CC2X. That amp has a switchable (+4db) serial fx loop.

          The Eclipse will go in a different rack connected to different amps. One amp, as I said, will have modern features (fx loop, among other things) with classic tones. The other amp is a "dinosaur", as you say. 🙂 It's a Germino Lead 55 (Marshall plexi clone). But, since I have a Switchblade, I would still like to use the Eclipse with it sometimes just to add some reverb or chorus or delay–who knows. Remember, I can route my signal any way I want, including in parallel, so I don't "nuke" the Eclipse's effects. If I want to create a Switchblade preset with my Germino that includes OD, delay, and some reverb (with delay and reverb coming from the Eclipse), I can route those signals in parallel and mix them with the Switchblade's internal mixer. So, maybe it's not as ideal as using a good fx loop, but I do avoid nuking my Eclipse's revebs, delays, etc. completely.

          So, it's not really that weird is it?? 🙂

          Btw, Switchblade (for future reference, if you want to know) accepts -10 db signals, but if "pro gear" is connected, there is a "cut" setting, which increases (?) the headroom by 6 db to -4 db (maybe I have this backwards…or don't totally understand what the manual says). To connect +4db, line level gear, the manual advises cutting the output level from the pro gear. Is this the criticism you have had in the past about Switchblade's design–not enough headroom?


        • #127893


          just two simple points:

          -connecting ANY digital fx to a tube amp fro reverb/delayFX and using the amp distortion, as anybody would do, is simply wrong. The amp is distorting the reverb tail and delay repeats; it's horrible.

          -we don't discuss other brands gear in this forum.


        • #127896


            I suppose what I was trying to ask is how do I find out the algorithm structure in the Eclipse preset so that I could produce a replica for H8000.



          • #127897

              So, this routing would still sound horrible even though the OD pedal does not nuke the reverb?

              Guitar –> OD pedal –> amp
              Guitar –> Eclipse (reverb) –> amp

            • #127898

               You can't, Jeff.

            • #127900

              Try to compare your question to the one that suggested you to post this question.

              The answer is right there, Jeff.

            • #127915

                I don't follow. Could you refer me to the post you are specifically referring to?



              • #127916

                The routing is fine. 

              • #127978

                  well i guess that means this is not the piece of gear for me. I would most definitely have used it on some distortion settings. i could use it for other things, but it would primarily been used for guitar. thanks

                • #127979


                  sorry, I don't understand what exactly are you referring to and for which reasn.

                  Could you please explain?


                • #127980

                    Hello I,
                    i do want a device that i can use in conjunction with various distortion settings. if that's not desireable..i meant that maybe i was looking at the wrong piece of gear

                  • #127981

                    mmmh, still not clear.

                    Let me try guessing…

                    You are afraid the Eclipse doesn't work well with distortion?

                    The point was about *where* a digital FX device is placed in an audio path.

                    If ANY digital processor id placed between a guitar and the amp you are going to use the distortion of, you'll be basically feeding a reverb to a distortion network…and that sounds wrong. If you then place the processor between preamp and power amp, using the dedicated FX loop, things will be ok and the amp distortion will sound great thru fx….or better…the FX will sound right w/distortion.

                    This is true with most time domain fx (delays/reverbs), and is true for any brand FX device.

                    Is this what you were concerned about, movado?

                  • #127982

                      yes i misunderstood. I was pallning on goign thru the fx loop and that's what i thought u meant. thanx for teh clarification.

                    • #127983

                       Glad it's clear now!


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