eclipse with vox ac15

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      I'm sure it's been discussed a zillion times, but I cant find a search box to browse through old posts..

      II recently got an old vox ac15, and it obviously doesnt have the fx loop. And I dont have a line mixer. I have an audio switcher and I'd like to place the eclipse at the end of the chain (mono) to use for delay. The manual says that when connecting the guitar into analog input1 the level drops by 6dB, and when using the analog out the level drops even more.. well, as a matter of fact, if i leave both in and out levels at 0dB, it's super loud, even in bypass!! like 3 times louder than when the eclipse is not engaged in the switcher! in order to obtain unity gain I have to turn down the input level by -8dB and output level at -12.5, yet even if the level is right and the leds dont show any clipping, I can still hear some sort of digital harshness as if there was some digital distortion going on. What am I doing wrong?? I'm using george l cables, input mono1 and output mono1.

      Any help/advice is appreciated.

      P.S. I play in a U2 tribute band and was looking forward to the lemon preset on the new version 4.. what's up with that??? that is not the lemon preset, is it?!? I had made a much better preset for that, but it got erased when I updated to version 4..  🙁

      Edo (original rock) (U2 tribute)

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