Edge ‘Streets’ sound from amnesta.net

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Edge ‘Streets’ sound from amnesta.net

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    • #105381

      I'm trying to set one delay to 3/16 @ 350ms and the other to 9/32 @ 525ms.  It looks like the TimeFactor cannot be set to 3/16 or 9/32.  I've never used a delay before…  Is there a setting I'm missing or does 3/16 and 9/32 equate to a different time parameter?

      If 3/16 and 9/32 don't exist is Eventide planning on adding more options in a future upgrade?


    • #117012

      You don't set delay to subdivisions of milliseconds….You probably mean one delay at 350ms and the other at 525? If so, you could just set them at that. Or you can try to set one at dotted eights (1/8.) and the other at 1/4….or 5/8, I'm no U2 expert (Ahem…Eventide, that is not 5/8…it's 5/16!). Then tap the desired tempo.

    • #117013

       Thanks Trazan.

    • #128036

    • #128054

        For "Streets" all you need is one delay set at about 365 ms with a wet/dry ratio of 50/50. Add a little bit of modulation, and off you go. Simple as that. Use the Time Factor's vintage delay, and if you've got it nailed, imo.

        If you're interested in learning a lot more about Edge's sounds, join our yahoo group, U2 Recording.


      • #128055

        Thanks Trazen and jcshirke.  I'm getting lots of greats sounds and your comments are very helpful.  Yes, the vintage delay is perfect for this sound.  I just love the timefactor – I can't get over it.

      • #128063

        I just joined the yahoo group Jcshirke.  Thanks for telling me about it.

      • #132141

          the time factor will do a 3/16 delay.  It's displayed as a 1/4 note triplet.

        • #132635

            after a little more reading, I think the 3/16 is a dotted 1/8 note rather than a quarter note triplet.  

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