Elevate remains in demo mode after activating the licence ( Cubase 9 )

Home Forums Products Plug-Ins Elevate remains in demo mode after activating the licence ( Cubase 9 )

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    • #114448

        My Elevate freezes all commands on my i_mac 3,4 Ghz intel core 15  for a few secondes every minutes or so.

        Quite annoying. It seams to still be in demo mode.

        Ilok licence is up to date

        I use Cubase 9 pro unser OS 10.9.5

        What shall I do ??





      • #147587
        Eventide Staff
          Gilles Martin wrote:

          My Elevate freezes all commands on my i_mac 3,4 Ghz intel core 15  for a few secondes every minutes or so.

          Quite annoying. It seams to still be in demo mode.

          Ilok licence is up to date

          I use Cubase 9 pro unser OS 10.9.5

          What shall I do ??






          Hi Gilles, there is no demo mode in Elevate.  The demo works exactly the same as the production version.  Are you certain the Elevate is causing the problem you're seeing?

        • #147588

            Thx 4 your answer DGillespie.

            The problem started when I installed the demo a few days ago. It sounded to me like some nasty limitation. So I bought the plug.

            It did some new tests today, il happens also whith EQuivocate. It is strange , the audio goes on , the mouse still moves but all windows are frozen during 10 sec ( even non audio apps open in background like firefox… ) then every thing come back to normal. Never had a problem like that with my setup.

            I will do some more tests tonight with Presonus studio one. I was wondering also about my old OSX 10.9.5.

            Thanx for your help.


          • #147589

              dear DGillespie

              I just did the lastest ilok license manager update. After that the computer totally freezed .

              I did a restart and now ……everything is fine..!!!!!!!  my Elevate works great….!!!!!

              Sorry for the trouble and thanks again for your help.



              • #147611
                Eventide Staff
                  Gilles Martin wrote:

                  dear DGillespie

                  I just did the lastest ilok license manager update. After that the computer totally freezed .

                  I did a restart and now ……everything is fine..!!!!!!!  my Elevate works great….!!!!!

                  Sorry for the trouble and thanks again for your help.




                  I'm glad it's working, thanks for the update.

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