EMOTE / Adding or removing FX Chains

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    • #161352

        Hi guys,

        wondering if I am too stupid to find the feature but I would like to be able to ADD/REMOVE/DUPLICATE active FX Chains via EMOTE. Haven’t found the functions yet to do so in the UI so currently doing this via the screen of my unit.

        In case it is really not in there. it would be great to call up those operations either from the “FX Chain” menu on the top bar or by RMB on the main FX Chain frame



      • #161354
        Eventide Staff

          Adding/removing FX Chains can be done by dragging and dropping them from the browser window – https://cdn.eventideaudio.com/manuals/h9000/content/emote/overview.html#adding-and-removing-fx-chains

          If you control+click and FX Chain preset in the browser list, you will see the option to duplicate it.

        • #161356

            Thanks for pointing me to it. Nevertheless please don‘t think that I was too lazy to look it up. Searching the user guide I just did not find what I was looking for, crazy as this may sound. The guide to me is somehow putting things in perspective of a user looking at the UI. To me it would be more natural to describe the individual elements like sessions, chains and algos and to answer the question how to make them work within whatever UI elements are needed to make it work. YMMV. As I am in the software industrie myself I do appreciate things being discoverable and to me checking RMB on UI elements like FX Chains would feel more natural as a user, since this is how 95% of standard software works. Again thanks for taking time to respond



          • #161360
            Eventide Staff

              Thanks for the input. We’re happy to hear of ways that the user manual can be improved. We recently added some GIFs to the VSIG section of the manual: https://cdn.eventideaudio.com/manuals/h9000/content/development/vsig3.html

              I’ll make a note to show some of the drag and drop features for adding/removing algorithms and FX Chains etc. by adding a few more GIFs throughout the manual.

            • #161364

                Maybe I should have been more precise: I was struggling to find the chapter first as there seems to be an issue with my html installation of the guide. Searching for “adding fx chains” would deliver no result so I was basically trying to find my way somehow.

                I think what makes the guide a bit hard to navigate for me personally is the different perspective you and I obviously look at it. You are trying to explain the UI and its functionalities and as adding a FX Chain is a subset of the Browser window functionality you explain it there. Since as a new user I may have no concept that the Browser window is the enabler, I would be most likely searching for a chapert called “FX Chains”, hoping to find an explanation on how to use whatever function or UI is necessary to make it happen. Basically printed guides ie for cars are done that way and I feel it is very effective if you just need to find things quick. Again, YMMV



              • #161367
                John Baylies

                  Hi John,

                  Thanks for the feedback. I’ve been considering one last major reorganization of the manual. It’ll happen sometime next year.



                • #161409

                    Homer, much of the H9000 functionality is either click and drag or drag and drop. Take a little time to poke around with Emote. It’s laid out pretty logically (especially since the last update). If your firmware and emote are not yet up to date, I highly recommend doing so.


                  • #172570

                      I was looking for a DUPLICATE too

                      (i searched and searchd the manual on this)

                      i made 3 algorithms in the first row in fx-chain 1, and wanted to use the same 3 algorithms and same presets in the next fx-chain, why cant i rightclick (or other key) on the algorithms or fx-chain and dublicate them inc. the presets to next fx-chain them (copy/paste) or can i? 🙂

                    • #172571

                        I was looking for a DUPLICATE too (i searched and searchd the manual on this) i made 3 algorithms in the first row in fx-chain 1, and wanted to use the same 3 algorithms and same presets in the next fx-chain, why cant i rightclick (or other key) on the algorithms or fx-chain and dublicate them inc. the presets to next fx-chain them (copy/paste) or can i? 🙂


                        I’ve been missing this from the start and suggested this 3 years ago. Hopefully they can add this basic feature soon.


                      • #172573

                          Ok 🙂

                          I write mine as suggestions to help to improve H9000, as we have to remember that they are a small team, and they have even to answer messages here and from other sites to keep the Eventide Brand as a helpfull staff – all that takes a lot of their time.

                          I think all, or most of our suggestions will come in future versions 🙂

                          I can live with with that the copy/paste is not possible, it just suggestions to improve 🙂

                          H9000 is a long term hardware

                          • #172588
                            Eventide Staff

                              Duplicate is not currently possible. For your scenario, I would suggest saving the FX Chain to the H9000, and then locating that FX Chain from the browser window and copying it to the next FX Chain slot.

                          • #172579

                              Thanks for the input. We’re happy to hear of ways that the user manual can be improved. We recently added some GIFs to the VSIG section of the manual: https://cdn.eventideaudio.com/manuals/h9000/content/development/vsig3.html I’ll make a note to show some of the drag and drop features for adding/removing algorithms and FX Chains etc. by adding a few more GIFs throughout the manual.

                              That link gives an Access Denied for me. 🙁

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