EMOTE / Error Message Sample rate annoying

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    • #161351

      Hi guys,

      currently working on turning the H9000 into the brain of both my live and studio rig, which I can thanks to the Session feature (what a blessing compared to the old H8000 days).

      One thing though annoys the heck out of me. though: For efficiency I am editing the sessions via EMOTE on my studio PC (@48k). The session I am setting up for my live guitar rig should run the H9000 at 88.2k. As a consequence EMOTE lets me know that USB audio is muted as the rates mismatch. Fine, I dont care though as I am connecting only Analog channels here=> I click ok to close the pop up.

      Now dumb thing is that this error message is popping up every time I edit an Algo connection within the FX Chains. So I spend my time clicking away those messages.

      1) Would be great that the message could be “muted” with a “never remind me again” feature

      2) Would be great if that message would show up only if the user would have active USB channels in the FX Chain as otherwise it does not matter. Why not adding a little status “red light” on the main page of Emote somewhere in the upper corner when there is a mismatch with the host/USB clock rate?



    • #161353
      Eventide Staff

      Hi John,

      Thanks for your input. We’ve discussed this before, the pop-up system could be improved or an option to disable the USB audio driver could be useful so the error message doesn’t keep happening.

      Just curious, what are you using the USB connection for if you are only using the analog I/O?

    • #161357

      Hmmm…do you want the long or short answer? 🙂

      As I said, the H9000 is a the core of my setup. USB audio was never an option for reasons of stability (driver issues) and easy of use. My studio setup is based on a DAW with a RME Madi card feeding 64 analog I/Os from my Antelope Orions into my 48 channel Neotek Elite console. Burl Audio Bomber ADC, Bricasti M7 plus some Lexicon outboard etc connect via the 9k AES which was previously handled by an RME AES card and breakout box. Even with just 8 digital I/Os you can create quite a powerful digital switcher.

      The 9k analog IOs are mainly to connect synthesizers and guitar amps for live use, live recordings or just to let musicians have „their sound“ while in the room (I will reamp anyway). That said I am contemplating of adding the 9k MADI extension card to my MADI setup since it has been rock solid over the years and of extremely low maintenance. Was intrigued by Dante but honestly I do not see too much of a benefit in my setup. On top I don‘t see relevant adoption in products which I would consider buying. So USB audio is in fact used when I abuse the 9k to watch Youtube videos 🙂

    • #161361
      Eventide Staff

      Thanks for sharing your setup. So to summarize, all your I/O is already taken care of via analog or AES, and the USB is just used sometimes? Why do you need the USB audio connection to monitor YouTube videos, wouldn’t you be able to monitor this via your audio interface? I would suggest unplugging the USB connection to your H9000 (unless there is something I am missing where you require this for I/O or MIDI) and give your H9000 a rest 🙂

      We do plan on implementing a better way of handling the USB pop-up, but I can’t promise when this will be ready, so unplugging your USB connection would be your best solution for now if it is bothering you.

    • #161365

      Yes, that is the obvious solution. Now my setup it is a bit more complicated in reality than explained. Letting the 9k do the job would have been the easiest solution and I thought I could get away using the 9k as a soundcard and be done. Anyway, it means that I will need to find a solution for my problem by reviewing the existing setup.



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