Emote Fx Chain metering problem

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    • #171080


      currently facing a very strange issue…I am using my h9k + Madi extension in conjunction with a RME Madi Fx and Cubase 12 (OS is Win11)
      In Cubase I have setup 8 Fx sends which are passing audio via Madi to my h9k and back.

      While my first FX chain’s metering is showing both in and output signals correctly in Emote, the metering is dead on the other 3 chains. Strange enough audio is going in and coming out of those 3 chains and processed as expected, despite the meters showing nothing.

      On top when checking the meters of the individual Madi i/o’s used for the sends and returns from the h9k front panel, they do show the incoming and outgoing signal correctly. Looks like as if the meters in Emote are just not getting that info as all the gain anf i/o settings are at default value 0dB

      I reinstalled Emote and tried everything but so far I haven‘t been able to get the meters to work for mow and not sure what

      Any help would be highly appreciated.




    • #171088
      Eventide Staff

      Hi Homer,

      Can you please upload a few screenshots that show how your routing is configured for the FX Chain with the metering issues?

      Emote’s meters will only display the input/output levels for the first 8 input/output blocks, so it may be that you are using different input/output blocks for the other FX Chains.

      • #185512

        Hi Homer, Can you please upload a few screenshots that show how your routing is configured for the FX Chain with the metering issues? Emote’s meters will only display the input/output levels for the first 8 input/output blocks, so it may be that you are using different input/output blocks for the other FX Chains.


        Hi, I think this problem persists.

        I do not have that issue when I put each EFFX Chain  as AES Inserts and use only one pair of stereo Inputs and output on each EFFX Chain

        Now, if I put 4  EFFX with independent Stereo Pro Tools  inputs and Outputs (Pro tools insert) per EFFX Chain (meaning 4 different effx)… then in the second EFFX Chain  after the First Stereo Pair (Pro Toos I/o 11-12 and up) the Metering goes away but I can listen to everything perfectly


        Screen Shot 2024-10-18 at 8.53.34 PM

        1st EFFX Chain

        Screen Shot 2024-10-18 at 8.59.25 PM

        First and Second EFFX Chain

        Screen Shot 2024-10-18 at 8.53.34 PM

      • #185542
        Eventide Staff

        Sorry, I’m not able to understand what the issue you are describing is with these images. Please email support@eventideaudio.com with a screen recording of the issue and we can troubleshoot the issue further there.

        In the video, please make sure you demonstrate the following:

        • Your audio routing from the DAW.
        • Which FX Chains you are using.
        • Which input/output blocks of the FX Chains you are using.
        • When the metering does work as expected and when it does not.


    • #171100

      Definitely no screenshot necessary as I did  use in fact nodes 8+. This is because I would like to keep the Madi channel number in Cubase associated with the same Madi node number in Emote to keep my routings consistent between both.

      For most it might not be a big deal as many would create a setup once and never look back. With128 channels of Madi on my setup and complex routings involving a Flock Audio Patch all hell breaks loose if you have to rearrange once in a while only. I for one built some logic which is easy to recall to avoid spending ages to reverse engineer something that I did a year ago.

      I don’t know what technical limits there are but the metering should be taking into account all inputs which are connected within the chain. In any case the metering in Emote is cumbersome. Total Mix if RME comes to mind if you would like to do it right, at least in terms of viewing all I/O levels.

      Maybe something for Emote 4.x


    • #171101

      Thanks anyway…just a question as I did not see it: Is the limitation to I/Os 1-8 mentioned in the User Guide? If not it might be good to put it in there…


    • #171102
      Eventide Staff

      Thanks for following up with this information. I don’t believe this is mentioned in the user guide, and we can add that to avoid this confusion.

      Expanded metering is also something that we’d like to add to a future update. If you have any suggestions for what would be useful, please let us know.

      It’s also worth mentioning that you can view the meters for any group of 8 channels by selecting Window > Meter Bridge. This may be useful to you if you don’t have access to the front panel to view the meters – https://cdn.eventideaudio.com/manuals/h9000/2.0/content/emote/overview.html#menu-bar

    • #171107


      thanks for responding. I am pretty aware of the extra metering using the Meter Bridge. While it is kind of neat to have it, it does not really help when you have complex setups.

      1) I would prefer to have another tab in Emote which is dedicated to metering. I mean in RME Total mix I can see all the meters in one window, with inputs and outputs split horizontally. Ideally I would like to have a similar view and contrary to Total Mix which is really a routing app and sometimes getting complex for this reason, this one would be only a view and could be reasonably simple

      2) A great help would be to have some “diagnosis” UI elements and functions to allow signal flow to be traced better

      • the new meters displaying their inputs / outputs nodes in the FX chain and highlighting them in a color within the connection editors windows in parallel
      • while hovering over a node, interactively displaying the audio level in a separate small window on top of the mouse pointer when pressing a shortcut

      3) As I am a big fan of VSIG one more far off idea: I could imagine that for more expert user one could dissolve the current static layout in Emote by providing a node based editor like in VSIG for the windows layout. Imagine a similar graphical node editor with the right objects, like i.e. I/O (one for each type like analog, AES, Madi), some Meter Bridge and a FX Chain objects on top. I then could create a layout visually in this editor and as a result it would create a tab in emote with all the UI windows and elements in said tab. For me that would allow for maximum flexibility. While this might not be working out for everybody, at least those willing to customize their UI would be able to do so. In a sense you have the technology already in place so for me it would be adding 1+1 for the best user experience. At least I think it would really allow me to streamline things with this great unit for better productivity a lot.

      But as always, YMMV




    • #171117

      For Meterbridge to be reasonably functional, it should at least show a single group of 8 IO at once without having to switch back and forth. Best scenario is show all of it or let me choose up until all of the available IO.

    • #185215


      I wanted to ask u homer if u are also experiencing no signal showing up in the “More Meters” view (front panel of the H9k) when making connection between in/outs  9-32 of a fx chain?

      …While my first FX chain’s metering is showing both in and output signals correctly in Emote, the metering is dead on the other 3 chains. Strange enough audio is going in and coming out of those 3 chains and processed as expected, despite the meters showing nothing.

      I only see signal flow from connections between i/o of the first 8 lets.

      thank u for your attention!


    • #185321

      here you can see my routing, (the same result for Dante or USB) No signal under More Meters view….

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    • #185324

      h9000 more meters view

    • #185325


    • #185327
      Eventide Staff

      Hey formants,

      I think maybe some of the images did not show up on your more recent post.

      The FX Chain input/output meters will only display signal for channels 1-8. You have signal patched to FX Chain input 9, 11, 15, and 16. These inputs will not show signal on the FX Chain input meters.

      On the front panel, if you go to Meters > Assign, you can assign any group of I/O to be viewed and metered on the front panel. The Meter Bridge in Emote does not offer this same function.

      Let me know if that clears things up for you.


    • #185333

      Hi, thank you for making signal flow and view more clear. is there any plan for the future to that More Meters view might show input and outputsignal in the future? Bildschirmfoto 2024-10-11 um 16.16.21

    • #185334

      Hi, thank you for making signal flow and view more clear. Is there any plan for the future, “More Meters view” might show inputs and outputsignals in the future for the routing I was testing?

    • #185335
      Eventide Staff

      Yes, we plan on improving the metering in the future but I cannot provide a timeline at this point.

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