Empty banks & presets

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    • #114696

        Hey Nick, hey everyone. 


        It seems like my H7600 does not contain all the banks – the programs end at 5090 – meaning that I don’t have any Shifters, and all that comes after that in the presets list by numbers from the manual…

        Where are they ? I searched “sort by : number »,  and « Location : All », and « Show: Any ». So it seems like I have any possible hidden place covered…


        When I type 10-H7600 BANKS, all the banks appear with the right number of presets. 

        I did the CLEAR SETUP, then I came back to the search menu “Criteria” , I did everything that I had done already, but the last bank that appears is “Reverbs – Unusal” and my last preset is “5090 Pop up”. 


        What’s the problem ? Is it possible to download the factory banks and update them ? Gosh. 




        Help is appreciated, it makes my Eventide less than half interesting…



        Much love,



      • #148966
        Eventide Staff

          Hard to know for sure, for obvious reasons.

          First thing to try is to upgrade the unit (see appropriate Download pages).

          If this fails, it is probably (alas) a hardware fault, most likely a bad memory chip, in which case it will have to come home for a visit.


        • #148970

            Thank you Nick.

            My System Rom update version seems to be 5.611, and my presets revision is 5.5. On the download page, you warn not to download previous versions… am I right ? Am I screwed ? What about the option ” fix internal ” in the “setup”<“service” menu ?


            Thanks a lot !




          • #148971

              Sorry I misread. Okay, I’m going to download and try to update, and then come back to you.


              Thank you.

            • #148973
              Eventide Staff

                The "previous warnings" message is because recent 7600 (and 8000) have a different display, which needs new software to drive it. Older software will be no good on these units.

                If you need a copy of the latest software send an email for my attention to support@eventide.com


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