Emulate Eclipse preset with H9 or H9+timefactor

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    • #113251

        hi guys,

        i’m looking to emulate this sound that apparently are 4 delays with some filtering. The original device is the Eventide Eclipse but  the h9 can do this sound right? or perhaps in combination with another timefactor?



        all the best



      • #142519

          It seems like you ought to be able to duplicate that with the two Stompboxes.  If we knew the original Eclipse preset structure, that would help.  For the filtering, Filter Pong or Band Delay would be a good start.  For more than two delays, you’d have to turn to something like MultiTap, QuadraVox, or UltraTap.

          I’m not entirely convinced that you need 4 independent delays … a touch of feedback might get you there.  And when the footswitching starts (in the video), you would dial in nearly 100% feedback.  It’s the ‘rhythm’ of those four multi-tapped delays that’s going to narrow down your choices.

          MultiTap may need some careful adjustment of Spread, but it has feedback built in (no deep filters).  The independent feedback loops can superimpose one rhythm on the other.  That’s something that you can also try by ‘splitting’ the delay duties between the TimeFactor and the H9.

          I’m not sure what you have for algorithms in your H9.  UltraTap has the advantage of Pre-Delay for rhythmic offset.  You’ll have to get the feedback and deeper filtering from the Timefactor in series.  QuadraVox can fine-tune the delay ‘rhythm’ with Delay Group (filters & feedback from a second device).

          I’ve had promising results from the Resonator algorithm that are similar to the example.  It’s the closest single algo that you can use to emulate the video.  Four delays, adjustable rhythmic spacing, two kinds of feedback, looping capability, with four independent, deep, and tunable filters.  Plus the option for reverb to blend it all together, if desired.

        • #142539

            Here is the schematic of the preset but thanks for the info, i appreciate it. I will try to use these H9 algos and see if i can replicate that sound. 


            • #142543
                lord_marius wrote:

                Here is the schematic of the preset  …

                That was helpful.  Using a single device, the Resonator algorithm will get you close.  You won’t have the independent Delay times and individual Feedback paths from the Eclipse.  And Delay 1-3 will alternate on Ch. 1, with Delay 2-4 on Ch. 2.  But you’ll have two kinds of Resonance, two Feedback variations, discrete bandpass filters [HP + LP] on 4 delays, plus the Rhythm control to adjust the spacing between each Delay.

                One quick note:  If you drop the BPM (in Tempo mode) below 110, a 1/2 Note shifts to 1100 mS.  Strange things happen to the Delay time as you drop to lower & lower tempos.  That said, here’s a base preset that I use to construct various Delay rhythms.  It doesn’t nail the example rhythm at default settings, but it’ll get you started.  I have the expression pedal varying the Rhythm parameter from to  The HotSwitch kicks up the FB:2 level to 80.

                Use the Note Grid (alternative view) to fine-tune the spacing between Delays, and the center frequency of the four ‘filters’ .  Or use the expression mapping to dial in the different Delay rhythms.  Adjust the filter Resonance to taste.  You may want to try out the FB1 variables.  They’ll give you more straightforward & predictable rhythms; FB2 being more complex (with eventual disintegration).

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