Error message when “copying”

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    • #105815

      I've just got my new Eclipse from American Musical Supply.

      I want to copy Preset # 274 to User Preset 01. When I do so, all seems to be fine (I select "Utility", then "Copy" – I select the Preset I want (SRC FROM – SRC TO), etc.

      I can copy this preset (no problem), however – when I go to select this Preset at 01, I receive an error message saying it cannot load it.

      I initialize my Eclipse to take it back to the Factory settings, and tried this again – no luck, same error message when loading 01.

      Can I NOT copy this Preset and Load this Preset to the copy location because of what and where it is originally?

      Is there an Error Code index so I can see what the problem is (according to the error code)?

      Many thanks for your help.

      ~ J

    • #117852


      I have tried what you describe and get the same result. It's definitely a bug we'll have to look into. Current work_around is to load preset 274 then save it to memory #1. Reload works fine. Thank you for this report.

      All the best


    • #117856

      Ok, that works. However, when I copy a preset to anywhere in the 1-99 range, my midi controller cannot find it. Here's what I mean:

      I have my midi controller set up on the same channel as my Eclipse. The midi controller is able to access the Eclipse and make changes. However, if I tell my midi controller to access Preset #1, it goes to Preset # 101. I'd be happy to work around this by saving the #274 Preset to #101, but the Eclipse will not let me. It will only allow me to SAVE a Preset to # 1- 99.

      The COPY function allows you to COPY a preset to ANY preset number, but as you know this does not work with multi-algorithm Presets.

      What can I do to gain access (via midi) to Presets 1-99?

      Thank you,


    • #129009


      Eclipse uses MIDI Maps. It has 3 of them, fully customizable. You'll find them under SETUP > MAPS.

      Factory defaults are:

      Map 1 _ ProgChanges 0>127 recall presets 100 > 227

      Map 2_  ProgChanges 0>127 recall presets 0 >127

      Map 3_ProgChanges 0>127 recall presets 500 and higher (these are stored on a card)

      Choose the right Map for you.



    • #129010

      Excellent information.

      Thank you!


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