Eventide DSP7000 question

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    • #187803


      I have an Eventide Eclipse and was wondering how much more powerful the DSP7000 is in comparison in terms of DSP. I know that the Eclipse is limited to 2 FX algos. How many heavy weight algos can the DSP7000 run, like say a series of reverbs.

      Thanks in advance!

    • #187804


      What a strange idea to put reverbs in series… Do you mean parallels ? Eventide reverbs are already so deep and “powerful”…

      About the number of DSP, IMveryHO :

      DSP7000 : 1  DSP

      DSP7500 : 1 DSP

      Eclipse : 2 DSP

      Orville : 2 DSP

      H8000 : 2 DSP

      H9000 : much more 😉 (I dunno this rack)

      Other specs can other be also interesting like numbers of (digital and analog) I/O more than the number of DSPs.

      These are my 2 cents, cause I am pretty new to those Eventide “magic boxes”.

    • #187809

      H9000: 4 x 4 quad cores for a total of 16 DSP engines🔥

    • #188392

      They both sound amazing and are capable of different things.
      The DSP7000/7500 are part of the main line of processors, so use the same algorithm scheme as 4000 – 8000 (a big plus!).
      Only these are VSIG capable (A HUGE PLUS), NOT the eclipse.
      The double display is MUCH easier to navigate.
      They both use ONE Motorola style 56xxx hardware DSP. But the eclipse’s is divided into two memory/”engine”/blocks spaces. The DSP7000 is not restricted in such a way and can use the entire machine, slower sample rates etc to run HUGE self-made algorithms designed in VSIG.
      Therefore the DSP can run AT LEAST twice as deep of an algorithm as eclipse (=sounds better to me). The customization on the vsig machines is incredible!
      For example, an eclipse cannot run the original BLACK HOLE algorithm (parallel diffusors to series diffusor). This is a huge problem for me. Its not a big algo, yet it can’t.
      Both are good, but sound different. They are not intended to be the same machine. Modulation is different, etc.
      Vsig is the deal breaker for me. The bigger screen, and the same algo scheme 0-1000 as the flagship machines. You will be relieved.

      7000-7500 1 56xxx DSP (IIRC with an unpopulated board for orville setup.)
      Orville 2 56xxx DSP (7000+7500 plus IIRC better flagship HW, AD-DA etc etc, 4 inputs and outputs)
      H8000 2 56xxx DSP (8 inputs and outputs)
      H9000 4 quad core general purpose processors, (16 DSP) not the old 56xxx H/W DSPs – rewritten code from many years of 56xxx DSP.

      Hope this helps.

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