Eventide H3000 problems

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    • #187724

        I just bought an Eventide H3000 on eBay, paid a good price and the seller has sent me a unit with problems.. was supposed to be working great.

        I have distorted, digital noise on the outputs, random digital noise.
        In bypass sound is ok, in FX mode.. random digital noise messed smiley
        The display also displays some numeric values which change by themselves..

        What the problem could be? Anyone repair H3000 in the UK?
        I’d also like to get the latest eproms for this unit if i can, i have a H3000S (blue model) with the Steve Vai presets.

        Any help or advice would be most appreciated.

      • #187729
        Eventide Staff

          Sorry to hear you are having issues.

          We have some resources for repair facilities that may be able to help you here: https://www.eventideaudio.com/legacy-product-repair/

        • #187802

            Sorry to hear you are having issues. We have some resources for repair facilities that may be able to help you here: https://www.eventideaudio.com/legacy-product-repair/ geometry dash lite

            Thanks for your answer. I got it.

          • #188388

              Just a guess, but I believe others have had success re-seating the socketed ADC’s with similar errors. But you would have to be careful, most of these parts are no longer produced.

              see this post for more info: https://www.eventideaudio.com/forums/topic/h3000-d-se-digital-noise-on-1-channel/

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