Eventide H8000 : Trying to remote the levels and something wrong happens in the preset parametres

Home Forums Products Rackmount Eventide H8000 : Trying to remote the levels and something wrong happens in the preset parametres

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    • #107658

       Hello Nick !

      I entered in contact a few minutes ago with an engineer in a music studio .

      He own a H8000fw .He don't want that I mention his name on this forum,and I promised.

       By phone,he tried to remote the levels with a  rocktron full access  on his Eventide H8000 fw.. ..and , also ,got the same bug :

      on" preset" keys,the first individual parameter of the actived soft key respond to the volume command …

      Try by yourself !

      You are the only one who can fix this !


      Emile-Marie Pulinx,MD

    • #121604
      Eventide Staff

        Sorry – don't understand again.

        Did you try clearing the setup as I suggested in reply to your previous post ?

      • #121606

         Yes, I have cleared internal prgs and set up already several times,with the 2 method described in the manual .

        Take an Eventide H8000fw.

        Set in Disp B an effect,by exemple ,"Galaxy borders2" ,or Polyring pre or whatever .

        Set in Disp A a reverb, like Majestic Plate  by exemple or Black hole.

        In Disp B , assign the global parameters "Levels" in the remote control page to "volume".  (with the select and hold method) .  Now , with the midi pedal, you'll see  and hear that the Wet/Dry mix of galaxy borders will go from 0 to 100% . In the "levels" page  of the effect,  all the  8 out channels are underlined.

        Don't make any other remote assignments.

        Tell me  if you see now in the parameters of  one of the 4 soft key of " galaxy borders" if a  specific parameter does vary from his min to his max levels when you hit the pedal.   It does !

        Go  now in disp A  with processor A/B key , hit the vol pedal and see what happens in the parameter and levels pages of Majestic plate or Black hole .. you'll be surprised .

        so easy !


      • #132824
        Eventide Staff

          I am understanding better. But, I don't see it. I remain entirely unsurprised.

          So, full information please, with no theatrics. Please fully answer every question below.

          1) Which specific parameter(s) on Galaxy Borders changes ?

          2) Is it(they) underlined ?

          3) If you select this parameter(s) and press and hold SELECT, what do you see ?

          4) What exactly happens in Black Hole/Majestic that is so surprising ?

          5) What software version are you using ?

        • #132826

          1) Which specific parameter(s) on Galaxy Borders changes ?

          The soft key  eq   parameter   low -18 dB      :vary from-18 pedal up to 18 pedal down

          If you change to another soft key :

           With soft key reverse  parameter   Reverse t_lenght :13/16 note vary  from whole note (pedal up to1/64 note pedal down)

          With soft key mixer  parameter level 1 vary from-100dB (pedal up) to-1dB (pedal down)

          With soft key verb ,parameter level vary from-100dB (up) to-1dB (down)

          2) Is it(they) underlined ?

          The first key does come underlined eq and low dB -10dB also underlined in white.If you press reverse,then reverse becomes underlined as the reverse t_lenght 13/16 , the same  for the 2 others soft keys

          3) If you select this parameter(s) and press and hold SELECT, what do you see ?

          Mode :off , Scale 0%, capture midi not thicked, range 36 dB,type absolute,low -18dB

          4) What exactly happens in Black Hole/Majestic that is so surprising ?

          -On screen in the soft key reverb,the parameter verb level -100dB vary from-100dB (up) to-1dB (down)

          -in the soft key levels A OUT 1 wet/Dry vary from 0 %(up) to99% (down) A out 2 to oUT 8 do not change

          5) What software version are you using ?

          1 292

        • #132830
          Eventide Staff

            E.M Pulinx:

            The first key does come underlined eq and low dB -10dB also underlined in white.If you press reverse,then reverse becomes underlined as the reverse t_lenght 13/16 , the same  for the 2 others soft keys

            The soft keys will always appear to be underlined. Are any of the parameters that change underlined ?

            E.M Pulinx:

            1 292

            This is the boot software version. The second screen will give you the main version. This should be V5.5. If not, please upgrade.

          • #132833

            Yes,the  individual parameters responding to a  wet/dry "levels"volume command are always  underlined in white.

            My O.S version is  5.3 on the second screen .I received this Eventide H8000FW  serial 00735  six months ago in September 2010 with this OS version.

            Please, be kind  and let me know what to do in order to upgrade to v 5.5 .

            Should it resolve my problem ?

          • #132835
            Eventide Staff

              E.M Pulinx:

              Yes,the  individual parameters responding to a  wet/dry "levels"volume command are always  underlined in white.

              What I am trying to find out is whether the ones that are changing wrongly are underlined.

              E.M Pulinx:

              Please, be kind  and let me know what to do in order to upgrade to v 5.5 .

              Should it resolve my problem ?

              Upgrade informnation is on the H8000 series support page. You will need a Compact Flash card and writer.

              Can't say for sure that it will resolve your problem, but my 5.5 system does not have this issue. Anyhow, there are many worthwhile improvements.

            • #132839

              What I am trying to find out is whether the ones that are changing wrongly are underlined.

              Resp  :All I can say,that's the ones who changes wrongly are always single  parameters located  on the first line of the parameters page ,never anywhere .     And they are always surrounded in white , not underlined.

              If you try to go to the 2 or 3 line or 4 line of a single parameter  in the parameter page,they're become surrounded in white, but ,when you hit the pedal, the program returns immediately to the first line parameter who becomes volume  control remoted, without to be underlined.

              The wet/dry global parameters "levels" ,who respond correctly to the pedal  command are underlined


            • #132841
              Eventide Staff

                I think I would like you to upgrade to 5.5, and then return the unit to factory defaults (see UM).

              • #132842

                I think it would be better for me to purchase a pre-programmed update card from Eventide.

                In the past,I corrupted data in my Eclipse when downloading updates ,cause my internet is not so over-performing (I live in the country)

                Let me know if you can find a solution for me.You're the only who could fix that.

                Thank you

                Emile-Marie Pulinx

              • #121806

                  Can somebody please let me know why the Rocktron Hex Expression does not calibrate properly?  I am in the filter Q (preset  #320),

                  but first of all I went to setup pedals, hit calibrate and it says heel at 0 percent and toe at 66.4%.   but the top slider says 0% when I am in   toe down position and 100% when I am toe up position.   And then when holding select on the frequency parameter of the parameter page for the effect, and assigning pedal 1. when i rock the pedal to the down position it begins at the low frequency of the sweep, but when i get to the down position, i expect the sweep to be at the top frequency.  Why doe the pedal behave this way when used as a physical pedal 1 input and why does it behave differently – as it should (up position to down) sweeps  from low frequency to high. – when plugged into the Rocktron All Access expression pedal input and when  assigned through "Capture Midi"???    Its all messed up when used as a quarted inch input into the H8000.

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