Eventide H90 & 4CM with DAW

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Eventide H90 & 4CM with DAW

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    • #188091


      Happy owner of a H90. I’m using the unit with my amp with the 4 Channel Method. I was wondering if I can use the same logic with Logic Pro and a Motu M4, that is sending the post effects after the amp sim plugin in logic.


    • #188120
      Eventide Staff


      Glad to hear you are enjoying your H90! You could certainly apply that logic to with Logic (pun intended!) It may take a bit of trial and error and experimentation to figure out what works best.

      I would suggest trying the following:

      • Connect guitar directly to H90 input 1
      • Connect H90 output 1 to Motu M4 input 1
      • Create and record arm track in Logic with your amp sim plug-in
      • Create an aux track in Logic and put the Logic I/O utility plug-in on this track: https://support.apple.com/guide/logicpro/use-io-utility-lgcef2d8c7d2/mac
      • Use the Logic I/O utility to create a hardware FX send/return with Motu channels 3-4 as the inputs/outputs
      • Connect Motu outputs 3-4 to H90 inputs 3-4
      • Connect H90 outputs 3-4 to Motu inputs 3-4
      • Track 1 will be the “Pre” signal and the Aux track will be the “Post” signal. Use the FX Send from Track 1 to send the audio to the Aux track, and adjust the volume of the aux track to blend in the post FX.

      Note that you will need some experience with Logic FX send and aux routing to accomplish this. I would suggest watching some YouTube videos if you are unfamiliar with this kind of configuration.

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