Eventide H90 MIDI PC Change and Bypass at the same time

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Eventide H90 MIDI PC Change and Bypass at the same time

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    • #187986

      I’m trying to use my Boss MS3 to change the Program on the H90 and bypass it at the same time.

      I have the MIDI Bypass CC# set to 0. When I set the configuration like attached, it does indeed bypass the H90 with a value of 0 and activate it with a value of 127.

      However, if I send a PC# along with it, then it doesn’t bypass. In the example attached if I set the PC to anything other than “OFF” it ignores the Bypass CC and turns the H90 into active.

      I tried the same with an H9 and it works as expected, the program changes and the bypass CC correctly sets the bypass state. How can I do this with an H90?

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    • #187988

      Looking at the log files I’m assuming the MIDI bypass messages are being ignored:

      ‼️ [TRPCMessageBroker.h:147].midiReceived > Ignoring inbound message ID:0x1d due to pendingResponseID:0x1b
      ‼️ [TRPCMessageBroker.h:147].midiReceived > Ignoring inbound message ID:0x19 due to pendingResponseID:0x1b

      Any information what this means?

    • #187989

      As an educated guess, the H90 Program is still loading via the PC when the CC message arrives, a scant few milliseconds later (if that).  Another speculation: the H9 – even with an older processor – is loading less than half of data that an H90 Program contains.

      I suppose it’s possible to hold incoming MIDI messages in a buffer, delaying it long enough to slide into the MIDI stream shortly after the last command has completed.  As a serial protocol, you’re bound to run into some limitations with MIDI vs. the power of modern processing.

      I haven’t checked back your use case with either an H9 or H90.  If I need a Program (or one of its Presets) to load bypassed, I re-save it with Bypass engaged.  Then use an Act/Byp command as needed.

    • #187990

      That’s really a bother and not something I’d expect from such a high price point. I’ve noticed I’m not the only one with this use case and having to load everything disengaged and engaging it from another preset means I lose the flexibility of having one preset for each program but I would need to have 4 to cover each use case of A/B being bypassed.

      I guess I’ll be returning the H90 and keeping the H9 since at it’s current state the H90 is unusable for my purposes.

    • #187999
      Eventide Staff


      We are aware that there is an issue with this use case and are working on a solution. Previous versions of the firmware should allow you to use the simultaneous PC+CC messages, or if you use Program level active/bypass mappings (not global active/bypass mappings) then that should work as well.

      I’d be happy to help you with this further if you email support@eventideaudio.com.

      • #188004

        I note that ‘previous versions of the firmware should allow you to use the simultaneous PC+CC messages‘.  Is there a previous version of the firmware that will do this that does not also have the issue where presets would load with the wrong delay time (AUD-74364)?

    • #188001

      Just to comment that the Program level active/bypass does not work when sending PC+CC messages. I have tried it several times. No CC messages get recognised after sending the PC. I will contact support.

      Apparently it should work with firmware 1.8.6. I’ll try downgrading it and confirm.

    • #188003

      I logged exactly this problem with Eventide support on 24 January. It’s a pretty big deal for me, also.

    • #188006

      I can confirm that the MIDI switching works with 1.8.6. At least from initial testing. I’ll have to check if it causes any audible difference or lag when using it in a signal chain.

      • #188023

        Which version of H90 control are you using with H90 firmware 1.8.6?

      • #188133

        The latest I could find from the site

    • #188231

      I also logged this issue, last year. It makes the H90 somewhat unusable and I am back to using my Strymon pedals because they work properly with MIDI.


      • #188235
        Eventide Staff

        Sorry to hear this has stopped you from being able to use the H90. To clarify, after looking into this issue further we have confirmed that a simultaneous MIDI PC+CC will work correctly on the previous firmware version 1.8.6. We are looking into a fix for this for a future update. If you’d like to downgrade your pedal, please email support@eventide.com and I can help you do that.

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