EVENTIDE H90 PATCHSTORAGE (Share your presets / programs)

Home Forums Products Stompboxes EVENTIDE H90 PATCHSTORAGE (Share your presets / programs)


  • This topic has 6 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by brock.
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    • #167806

      Wanna share your H90 stuff? Sign up and do it on patchstorage!



    • #177178

      To Whom it May Concern:

      Despite being a very pleased and proud owner of a pair of Eventide H90’s for the last 9+ months, I am just now beginning to seriously explore “https://patchstorage.com”, and have most recently encountered some issues even attempting to sign-in to the website.  Despite attempting to even reset my password, etc., I receive a message regarding a missing “key”.  Being a relatively ignorant of things digital, I will humbly express that I am more than a bit lost regarding this…


      ASIDE from the above issue, after downloading the new H90 “Polysynth” algorithm(s), (with which I am attempting to modify to generate my own preferred timbres/responses, etc.,), I am not quite sure as to how to download a variety of “Patchstorage” patches, or actually how to “open”(?) those patches, and/or upload them to my H90, so that they are loaded into my preferred storage locations in my H90, such that ULTIMATELY I might use them…


      Currently I am very much interested in the  H90 “Cathedral and Tonewheel Organs” by “apalazzolo” 2 months ago”, and despite being able to download the file(s) to my computer, I am painfully ignorant as to how to either open/access said file(s) in order to attempt to create that patch in one of my H90’s, or upload the file(s) from my computer to said H90…



      ANY and ALL assistance regarding any and all of this will be VERY much appreciated by me…


      THANK YOU in advance for your patience/understanding and assistance!



      T.A. Kogstrom

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    • #177180

      I’m not sure what is causing the PatchStorage login issues.  I use it frequently, and I’ve never seen that come up.  Maybe someone else can chime in on that.

      Most of the uploads there are individual Programs.  And almost exclusively use Insert Routing (as opposed to Dual Routing).


      You haven’t specifically mentioned this, but do you have the H90 Control app download installed on your computer?  It’s going to make life easier with file management.

      The one you’re focusing on is a Program List containing 6 Programs (apalazzolo’s excellent organ patches).  For that, you would go to the bottom left corner of the H90 Control app, and you’ll see 5 small icons.

      Hover over the middle one of five, and you will see Import List.  Click on it, and select Import List (not Import H9 List).  Navigate to your download location from PatchStorage, and select the file.  You will have the opportunity to name the new List.  Now it’s in your H90.

      Program Lists contain up to 99 Programs.  There are only a handful of those at PatchStorage, and are labeled as such in the descriptions.  The file extension will be *.lst90, and you can store “unlimited” Lists in your H90.

      Single Programs have a file extension of *.pgm90, and that’s the majority of the downloads at PatchStorage.  The easiest way to add that is to right-click on an INIT Program in H90 Control.

      You can Import into any Program List, except the Factory List.  User 1 is a duplicate of the Factory List that can be overwritten.  But User List 2, 3, 4 are all blank INIT Programs.  You can also create a New List (1st icon of 5, as described above in H90 Control).

      Once you’ve found a spot, right-click on any INIT Program, and select Import Program.  Then navigate to where you downloaded any PatchStorage Programs.

      It’s actually very easy after you’ve done it a few times.  Let me know if you get stuck along the way.  I’m not in a place to do H90 Control screenshots right now, but I can flesh out the procedures with visuals, if need be.

    • #177183

      Import List

      0 Import List

    • #177184

      Create New List

      0 Create New List

    • #177185

      Program List Dropdown

      0 Program List Dropdown

    • #177186

      Import Program

      0 Import Program From INIT

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