eventide h9000r dsp unoccupied

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    • #177892
      Roman Sandor

        Hi, I have been using the H9000r for 5 years. Now with DSP 3 it says dsp unoccupied??? I can’t use all 4 engines. Only 3 work. What should I do to make all 4 work again???? Yesterday I worked on the H9000r and everything was ok. I turned it on today and only 3 are working. Anyone have any experience??? I flashed the firmware but it didn’t help. Thanks for any help.

      • #177894

          I keep my H9000R in a “machine room”, which in my case is just a fancy term for a closet with sliding doors. These doors block the sound of the fan, which is why I keep the H9000R in there.

          But the closet can tend to be a bit damp, and on one occasion only two of the DSPs were seen by the device. So I looked inside and popped the DSPs out, only to find that the “missing” DSPs had mold growing on the contacts. I cleaned them off with some spray contact cleaner and a rag, and wah-lah…problem solved.

          Now I’m careful to not always keeps the closet doors completely closed, thus letting the air circulate, and the problem has not returned.

        • #177895
          Eventide Staff

            Sorry for the issues you are having. The first step is to try the USB self-test and send us the results. Please follow the instructions below, and send the results to support@eventide.com. We can help you troubleshoot further there.


          • #177896
            Roman Sandor

              <span style=”vertical-align: inherit;”><span style=”vertical-align: inherit;”>Děkuji, zítra udělám autotest USB a pošlu zprávu.</span></span>

            • #177897
              Roman Sandor

                Hello, I am sending the self test of my H9000r in the attachment. I performed it according to the instructions. I will wait for your diagnosis. Thanks

              • #177908
                Eventide Staff

                  Sorry, I do not see any attachments. The forum is not the best for this kind of thing.

                  Please email support@eventide.com and we can troubleshoot the issue further there.

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