Eventide needs to release Analog and AES I/O cards for H9000

Home Forums Products Rackmount Eventide needs to release Analog and AES I/O cards for H9000

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    • #185922

        After using my  H9000 for a while I can say that I love it as a centerpiece for my studio.
        Unfortunately from a physical standpoint for some of us it is a bit limiting.

        That’s why I would like to see Eventide make 8  channel  of I/O analog cards and also 8 channel  i/o AES cards.
        That would give us great flexibility and help us customize the H9000 for our needs.

        There’s a reason there are 3 expansion card slots, right?

        and I think many of us will embrace those products.

      • #185923

          The H9000 already has 8 analog i/o on DB25…..so how many is enough….certainly you may want more, but does the H9000 “need” more is another matter

          • #185925

              Your needs are not the needs of everyone, and to have the option for the ones that need those cards does not affect to the ones that does no need them.

          • #185924

              You can give specifics about what kind of I/o you’d like here: https://www.eventideaudio.com/forums/topic/add-on-card-with-8-nice-preamps/


              At least for the analog. Eventide has said they are interested in making one and would like to gather feedback on what people want

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